Sara Ramirez and Indya Moore have an illuminating Twitter exchange on Bisexuality

Sara Ramirez and Indya Moore have an illuminating Twitter exchange on Bisexuality

Pose star Indya Moore and Grey’s Anatomy alum Sara Ramirez shared an exchange on Twitter about bisexuality that is delightfully enlightening.

It all began when Moore, a transgender actor and activist, pointed out that a man’s attraction to a trans woman doesn’t make him gay, since transgender women are women.

Another Twitter user contradicted Moore’s tweet, saying, “If he’s attracted to a pre-op trans girls, he’s bi & I’m not ‘weird’ for pointing this out.”

Moore responded with a quote tweet politely calling the twitter user out.

This is when Sara Ramirez chimed in with an important history lesson and expanded our own, as well as Moore’s, knowledge of the terms bisexual and bi+.

Moore then retweeted Ramirez’s tweets, showing that she had indeed learned from the exchange.

Next “If you are homosexually inclined, Nigeria is not a place for you.” Police PRO, Dolapo Badmus warns

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  1. Francis
    January 20, 09:28 Reply

    I have headache ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️

    • Malik
      January 20, 10:32 Reply

      I couldn’t even read till the end! ?

  2. Bee
    January 20, 14:30 Reply

    This thing must enter my head by force.

    “Bisexual” is not a dirty word & is currently inclusive of trans & non-binary folk.
    So, “bisexual” now means bi+, which is the new term for pansexual, right? So, what about someone who is attracted to only cis males and females; what do we now call him/her? I’m not even sure who non-binary folk are; are they labeled by their organs (i.e. = intersexual?) or are they just genderqueer?

    “Pansexual” was a term recently reclaimed by a trans woman of color to avoid bi-antagonism & bi-phobia ontop of transphobia.
    I don’t understand at all.

    Someone, please help me. ?

  3. Cedar
    January 20, 15:04 Reply

    I almost got dizzy reading Sarah’s part. It getting confusing people.

    And Nigeria is still grappling with just straight/gay.

  4. Gaia
    January 21, 09:52 Reply

    @Cedar… you’re mad ooo???. Can’t you just leave Nigeria out of this???

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