“Straight” Guy Walks In On Gay Roommate And Realizes He, Too, Is Homosexual

“Straight” Guy Walks In On Gay Roommate And Realizes He, Too, Is Homosexual

A straight man named “Mike” says he walked in on his gay roommate “Alex” making out with another dude and felt a funny sensation.

“I thought I was going to throw up,” he confesses in a recently-deleted Reddit thread. “I felt bad for being as disgusted as I was, since there’s no good reason for me to have a reaction like that.”

Afterwards, Mike couldn’t get the image of Alex swapping spit with another dude out of his mind. To make matters worse, every time Alex brought a new guy home, Mike would “just start feeling like shit and wishing that the guy would leave.”

“I can’t stop thinking about what these guys might have done to him even though I don’t want to imagine that,” he writes. “It makes me really uncomfortable and grossed out.”

It didn’t take long for Alex to start picking up on things. When he asked Mike why he’s been acting so strange lately, Mike froze.

“I didn’t know what to say,” he says. “I want to keep him as a friend, but he’d be hurt if he knew that whenever I think about him with other guys, it disgusts me. How do I deal with this? I’ve never been homophobic, but I’ve suddenly developed some kind of homophobia where just the idea of my roommate’s sex life makes me uncomfortable.”

Well, what a difference 72 hours makes. Because a few days later, Mike updated his original post to make yet another confession:

“The day I made the post, I met up with my sister Laura,” he explains. “She read the whole thing and said it sounds like I have a crush on Alex. She talked me through it and we confirmed I’m not as straight as I thought I was.”

Mike continues: “The next few days were mostly me sitting on my ass trying to wrap my head around everything. I was scared of messing up our friendship and losing him, but I was even more scared that I might just let this pass without saying anything and then he gets a boyfriend and I have to see him with another guy.”

So he sat Alex down and told him everything.

“We talked,” Mike says. “In the end, we agreed to maybe try something out, and we kissed. Never kissed anyone with a beard before, so…interesting experience, but also really good.”

“Since then we’ve kind of been easing into the whole dating thing,” he continues. “We had our first proper date last weekend and it was incredible … At home we still do our normal thing, but sometimes we get distracted. Last night I almost burned dinner because I had to kiss him and we got kind of carried away, haha. We’re taking the whole sex thing slow though since I’ve never done anything with another guy before.”

“Honestly,” he concludes, “I can’t remember the last time I was this happy, and I never would have expected this when I made that first post … Funniest self-realization in the world? Plot twist: It turns out I don’t have any problem with Alex kissing guys if it’s me he’s kissing.”

Previous Deola’s Corner: Another Week Of TV (Edition 18)

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  1. Griffin
    June 04, 05:57 Reply

    Awwwwwwww, is this sweet or what!!!!?

  2. KingBey
    June 04, 07:14 Reply

    Late Bloomer. Welcome to the club.

  3. Delle
    June 04, 09:00 Reply

    Mtcheeww! That was my first reaction.
    Reading through it all, it’s just so beautiful how they’re now dating. I was expecting some random romp and then goodbye BS.
    So awwish.
    If only we could have Lauras here…

  4. ambivalentone
    June 04, 11:57 Reply

    Something is just off with the title and it makes me sooooo uncomfortable. But I guess there’s joy in gay heaven when a straight sumbodi repents…same as the joy when gays become gay no more

    • AlphaJay
      October 20, 13:16 Reply

      Is there a thing as “becoming gay no more”?

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