Tag "Omari Hardwick"

From The Net 8 Comments

Naked Sword Gives A Ranking Of The Top Ten Best Celebrity Bubble Butts

Between all the internet challenges and Nigerian Twitter’s ignorant (and very, very unnecessary) comparisons of Beyoncé and Rihanna, we also appreciate a little Hollywood nudity, especially in these times when

The Happenings 8 Comments

Omari Hardwick checks a fan who goes “No Homo” on him

“No homo” – the two words that validates heterosexuality in men who are not secure in their straightness. You say those two words after expressing some form of affection toward

Editor's Desk 17 Comments

Deola’s Corner: Another Week Of TV (Edition 3)

DISCLAIMER: The following article contains spoilers from TV Shows of the past week, so if you haven’t SEEN the episodes of the week, and you detest spoilers, then I suggest

Editor's Desk 55 Comments

WHAT WE WANT FOR CHRISTMAS: 16 Wishes KDians Would Like Fulfilled This Christmas

Santa Claus, you have a job to do. So, in the past couple of days, I polled several Kitodiariesians with the question: What’s that crazy or fun or silly or

Gallery 42 Comments

Thirsty? Pick Your Beverage

As for me and my longer throat, we will live for the thirst of Whiskey.