The Minority Report on Whether Bisexuals Should Come Out
Based off of the drama that involved the bisexual revelation on the Netflix reality show, Love is Blind, The Minority Report NG decided to tackle the issue of whether it is imperative for bisexual people to come out to their opposite-sex partners about them being queer.
The hosts of the show were divided on this: one thinking bisexuals necessarily shouldn’t and the other thinking it is absolutely important they should.
What do you think? Do you believe bisexuals should always be upfront about their sexual orientation with their (especially heterosexual) partners or do you think it’s not really that important, especially if they intend to stay committed to that relationship?
Sound off in the comments as we have this conversation regarding bisexual coming out on this latest episode of #TheMinorityReportNG
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July 02, 09:13I really think it’s important you tell your partner that you are bi, and give them the chance to decide if they would want to stick with you or not.
Being in a relationship with a heterosexual person does not erase one’s bisexuality, plus it a big deal in this part of the world. So, I think it should be discussed especially when you are thinking long term with the person.
Concealing that part may cause future rifts. For me, it’s all about transparency and being my authentic self with whoever I’m with.
July 02, 10:39In a world and country sef, where others may try to define you by who you’re dating, understanding yourself not in relation to whom you’re with can be, well, really freaking hard. No matter how long you’ve been out, it’s not always easy to know how to talk to your partner about being bisexual. And whether you’re seeing someone of your own gender, a different gender, or no gender at all (let alone same or differing sexualities), discussing your identity with your boo and establishing how they can help you feel validated and supported in it, is no small task.
If you’re a bi person on a date with a straight person, they may not know you’re queer, which makes coming out as bisexual to a new boo particularly complex. If your date wrongly assumes that you’re straight, coming out to them as bi can mean baseline coming out as queer, which can mean facing invalidating comments.
In my own opinion its is not a welcome idea to come out maybe except it is a an obvious contract agreement between both person’s of same orientation who actually love each other.
July 02, 11:36Oh hell no! Not if u want to keep your marriage. Screw the self-righteous mother-theresa-wannabee Hollywood garbage u are being fed. In reality not all secrets need to be told, especially if u intend to remain a faithful bisexual married man. Nobody wins with your coming out boo. U have to take that secret to your grave, and this goes both ways and sideways too.
July 02, 17:07????? well said… one cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hound. it most likely would bounce back a trouble some times later
July 02, 16:17The scenario is simple. In the light of a (possible) lifetime commitment of a bisexual with someone of the opposite sex, I think the bi person should come out as bi to that person. It’s about trusting the partner.
What if the partner accidentally finds out from someone else? It could shake the relationship especially if the partner finds out after marriage.
Yes we live in a homophobic society but let the partner be in the know, not for the purpose of raising suspicion but in order to let them decide if they can deal with you as you are.
Let’s not forget that we’re assuming a committed relationship here o.
Queen of Queens
July 02, 17:50Advocates of “coming out,” what does coming out mean? Why can’t people just be
July 02, 18:28Precisely. Nobody needs to know your shit. Except if u are not in a committed lifetime partnership I.e marriage. Then u might as well tell your partner how u also turn into a Hydra headed monster at 3am
Otherwise it’s best to let things be. Telling your secrets or coming out is not a recipe for trust. Infact in most relationships it signals the end. And it’s not only u that will suffer, it’s hell if there happens to be kids.
July 03, 01:37My friend came out to his girlfriend because he felt it was the right thing to do since they had plans of getting married. The babe outed him to his both family members and friends and it ruined him. Currently, my friend is “born again” and has supposedly defeated the demon of homosexuality. For bisexual guys, coming out to your opposite partner is the right thing to do, but then, the right thing isn’t always the best decision to make.
July 03, 09:21Telling your partner is important. This is not debatable.
July 04, 21:12Easier said than done