His throat felt like he hadn’t had water to drink in days.

“Let’s share the Grace,” his mother said from where she’d been kneeling throughout the family devotion.

Everyone else mumbled the words in as much unison as they could.

“Good night and sweet dreams.”

He watched his sister stand to go to her room.

“Yes? Ki lo Fe? What do you want?” his father asked, clearly wondering why he wasn’t running to his room like he did every night after the devotion.

This is it now, he thought to himself. There is no turning back.

He steeled his spine and let out a shaky breath, staring into the unsuspecting eyes of his parents.

“Mum, Dad, there’s something I have to tell you.”

His hands started sweating again. His heart thudded in his chest and he feared it might burst out.

“Yes? Get on with it,” his mother said as she picked up her Bible, preparing to head to her room.

He flicked his tongue out over his lips, hugging himself as he prepared for the worst.

“I like boys.”

The Bible fell.

Written by Sati My’kel

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  1. Mandy
    July 02, 07:18 Reply

    And after the Bible fell, a slap followed immediately after. Like HOW DARE YOU! We have just finished giving Grace to God Almighty, and you’re just going to reintroduce the Devil into our midst?

  2. Delle
    July 02, 07:36 Reply

    Lol. Sonnet prose??

    You decided to come out after devotion? Omo, you tuff o

  3. Mikkiyfab
    July 02, 09:28 Reply

    Parents *stares at each other* father speaks first, and says we have always known I too I play for that team and then at that moment, mum picks up her bible and says my dear we have always know and then everyone hugs,and head to their individual rooms the sweetest of dreams they all have that night.

  4. Malik
    July 02, 09:55 Reply

    The Bible fell. His mother, finding her breath said, “But… We raised you up in the way of the Lord…”

    His father bore them no mind as he obsessed over asking God for forgiveness for dropping the Word Of God.

    “Who initiated you?” His mother asked. Her voice broke as she became frantic: “Who infected my son with this demonic disease?”

    He wants to explain but there’s no point doing so when his mum is throwing a tantrum. But a high pitched voice tears into the terse atmosphere. It’s his sister’s and in the dreadful split second when their eyes meet, he knows two things: she’s about to wreck the situation and there’s nothing he can do to stop her.

    “I know who it was,” she says.

  5. Ken
    July 02, 11:32 Reply

    And his mum said “So? I like boys too.” And his dad laughed and laughed and they lived happily ever after. The end.

  6. Brown
    July 02, 12:35 Reply

    Why na? You can’t leave us wanting like dis ??

  7. Alexxparish
    July 02, 13:07 Reply

    Okay as the Lord pleases let see what happens next because I can’t stop laughing wen he said “I like Boy’s” and the Bible fell

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