The Proposal: Two Queer Men And A Queer Woman Are Looking For Partners

The Proposal: Two Queer Men And A Queer Woman Are Looking For Partners

I am writing this to make a public request for a co-parent.

I am a queer Yoruba man in my early thirties living in Lagos State. I am financially stable, hardworking and I possess good values.

I am keen on having kids, but as I am not interested in heterosexual marriage, I am looking for a woman who is educated that also wants the same thing. She could be lesbian, bisexual or straight, as long as she resides in Lagos and is willing to parent a child with a queer man, she is the ideal person. Age is of no particular importance but she should be between adulthood and 40 years of age for this to work.

Details on how we would go about this can be discussed once contact is established. The most important attribute is interest in parenting a child.

Interested persons can contact me via

Best Regards.

Submitted by KJ


Hello, my name is Chii. I am a 33-year-old woman based in the Middle East. I am also bisexual.

I am looking to be connected to either a gay man or bisexual man who is based in or willing to relocate to the UK, as I am in the process of my relocation plans to the UK. He should be between the age of 33 and 45, an income earner, funny, kind, educated, open-minded and willing to go into a marriage of convenience in order to start a family.

Anyone interested can send an email to


Submitted by Chii


I am a gay man in my late thirties, living and working in Osun State.

I am looking for a woman, a feminine lesbian, who is interested in getting into a marriage of convenience. I am looking to find a kind and understanding Yoruba woman, preferably someone who is as eager to start a family as I am. I hope we can be friends and get along well. She should be Christian or at least be able to keep up Christian appearances for the family. She should be in with the age bracket of 24 – 33 years.

I am okay with whatever method of conception and birth she decides to choose. We mustn’t know everything about each other but should be willing to learn and understand one another. Location should preferably be within Osun, Ibadan, Ondo or Ekiti.

Any interested person should make contact by emailing

Submitted by Peter

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  1. Rehoboth
    April 25, 11:42 Reply

    Won’t mind hearing the success story of the previous requests

    • MGM
      April 30, 15:01 Reply

      Same here.
      Does it eventually work out?

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