The Way Nigerians Are Coming Out In 2019

The Way Nigerians Are Coming Out In 2019

“I have also been coming out to friends – except in their case, I don’t treat it like a big deal. There’s no ghen-ghen moment, no announcement, no “I have something to tell you” moment. I simply work my sexuality into a conversation where my response is supposed to affirm my “heterosexuality”. Like the time a friend was lamenting to me about his girlfriend’s excesses and then said something about how I am lucky I’m not dating any girl, that girls are wahala. And instead of agreeing with him, I responded that it’s lucky for me that I’d never know girls’ wahala, seeing as I am into boys. I’ll never forget the look on my friend’s face; he totally didn’t see that coming.” – Dubem, LIVING GAY AND FABULOUS

The excerpt above aptly shows how some people I know have been stepping out of their closets with friends and acquaintances. They just slip the information out there, like it’s no big deal.

And with the two instances I’m about to share, the reactions of the friends receiving the new is priceless.

1. There Is The Friend Who Couldn’t Handle The Heat In The Kitchen

2. There Is The Friend Who’s So Slow, A Snail Could Outpace Him

Previous The King of Boys

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  1. Christie
    January 28, 07:59 Reply

    Oh I bless the day Google brought up kitodiaries

  2. Smart
    January 28, 08:22 Reply

    The second reaction though hahahaha

  3. Femi
    January 28, 12:49 Reply

    The blood of Jesus part ???

  4. Gaia
    January 28, 14:43 Reply

    Lolz. This duke of rainbow is an interesting pelzin.

  5. J
    January 29, 12:52 Reply

    ?????? someone should hold me hahahahahaha. Seriously there’s nothing to hide, sometimes I just feel like telling everyone around me that I am gay. It gives you peace of mind, you have nothing hide. Just leave the homophobes with their guilt

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