Kito Interrupted

Kito Interrupted

It was some minutes to ten in the morning when I was coaxed by Mom to go and dispose of our garbage even though the bin wasn’t full. My house happens to be one of the houses at the end of the street before the big Nkisi Bush in Onitsha.

I put on my glasses, still very grudging about this errand, took up the garbage bin and started out. I walked past the houses at the end of the street, before getting to the gully where the street residents dispose of their refuse. While I was doing this, I noticed two guys smoking weed in a corner. They often hang out there, and upon noticing me, they hailed me. I nodded back at them with a stern look, because I knew they’d start asking for “something” if I gave them a smiling face.

Having disposed the refuse, I hit the bin on the curb to further empty the bin. A bike came down the street with a guy as the passenger. He was young and was trying to make a phone call. The bike man dropped him beside me, he paid his fare and the bike man swerved and drove off. As I observed him, I don’t know what came over me, but I suddenly had an instinct this young, guileless-looking guy had trouble looming over him.

He stood there, glancing this way and that. I noticed his countenance turn instantly guarded when he saw the smokers and he walked over to me to ask for the location of a hotel. I pointed ahead of me, telling him that the hotel was still up the street, that the bike man shouldn’t have dropped him here. Then I turned to leave.

Just then, a guy strolled towards us. He had a smile on his face. He called out a name “Ify”, and the young boy I’d just spoken to nodded his affirmation. They shook hands.

In that moment, still feeling a bad feeling, I decided not to go on just yet. I was standing a few feet away from them and brought to fake a call with my back to them.

And then, a voice rich with acrimony burst out. “So, i bu homo, eh? Okpo ntu!”

I turned immediately to see that the smokers had advanced on the young boy, and following his snarled words, one of them slapped him, before asking him to hand over his phone.

I didn’t need further prompting. I dashed forward. “Kee ife o?” I shouted. “Why are you beating this guy?”

“Chairman, stay out of this o!” the other smoker snapped. “This guy na homo, so we want to teach him a lesson.”

I feigned surprise. “What?” I said. I looked at the boy; he was so young, achingly young and naïve. His eyes had already filled with tears and he was starting to beg. He seemed to see a savior in me and was pleading with me not to go, to save him. He was really sobbing.

“Who invited this guy here?” I asked the other guys, three of them.

None of them answered.

“Who asked you to come here?” I asked the boy.

He pointed to one of them, the one who’d first come to meet him, and apparently the one who he’d been communicating with through whatever hookup app they’d ensnared him with.

I turned to the one he pointed out, now looking very angry and asked, “Why did you invite this guy here? If you are not a homo, why did you invite him here?” I spoke in Igbo, with a hard voice so they’d understand that I had home advantage.

The other two were blowing smokes in the air; I didn’t know whether they did that to scare me or whatever, but I wasn’t to be intimidated. I wasn’t moving anywhere.

“What’s your name?” I asked the boy.

“Ifeanyi,” he said.

“Where is your phone?”

He showed me an Infinix phone.

“Did they collect anything from you? I asked.

He said no.

“Oya come and start going,” I said, gesturing for him to be on his way.

The others instantly became alert to my intrusion. One of the smokers grabbed the boy by the belt. “We cannot leave this homo to go like that o!” he growled.

At this, I was no longer feigning anger. I was actually angry. I growled back at him, “See eh, if you don’t leave this boy now, mu na gi ga anwu here!”

The guys instantly became wary, unsure of the demon driving me. “Oga, it’s like you’re even one of them,” the guy with his hand on Ifeanyi’s belt said. Even then, he let go of the boy.

“That one is your business,” I snapped. Then I turned to the one I’d noticed was a resident of my street and said to him, “You see you, just do anyhow and I will come to your house with police and I will arrest you.”

He recoiled. “Haba, oga, we have left him oh. I don’t know what you are talking about police now oh.”

“You are mad,” I said, very antagonistic. “You want to rob someone on account of what you’re not sure of. Don’t worry. Just wait for me!” I threatened.

I don’t know what it was about me that made them take me serious, but the guy began pleading for me not to involve the police on his matter while the other two urged me to forget about him since they were no longer interested in harassing Ifeanyi.

“You guys should be careful in this street,” I warned, finally acquiescing. “You should be very, very careful.”

I turned and picked up my garbage bin and gestured for Ifeanyi to follow me. We walked a little away from the gang of three before I stopped a bike for him.

“Brother please follow me to the junction,” he begged. “They might follow me.”

I assured him that they wouldn’t. “Just be careful who you go to visit,” I cautioned him. “Make sure they are what you are before you go anywhere.”

He smiled tearily at me, his gratitude obvious. And then he turned to get on the bike.

I observed this time not only how young he looked but how succulent he looked. I wanted to ask him for his number but I decided not to when I saw that those guys were looking in our direction. I didn’t want them to have any reason at all to think I was anything other than a good person saving someone else from their wickedness.

Written by Nonny

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His name is Steven Ehis (Steven Andrew on Facebook). His numbers are 08107941714 and 09053629334 Resides in Lagos, Ikorodu area. His M.O. is to chat with you and get you


  1. Rehoboth
    August 29, 07:39 Reply

    I love this. If we are in a position to assist, don’t hesitate to do so.

  2. Gaia
    August 29, 07:52 Reply

    Thank you very much Nonso for the courage… you just saved that lil boy alot…

  3. Gad
    August 29, 07:53 Reply

    Thanks for your intervention. The edge these criminals always have is the unwillingness of victims to involve the police just like Ifeanyi did. It dampens whatever help might be extended to them and emboldens the criminals. We should however, continue to render help wherever we can. On a final note,you would have still maintained future contacts with the lad for the purposes of grooming and guidance since you noticed that he was naive,young and INNOCENT

  4. Mitch
    August 29, 08:18 Reply

    Thank you, Mommy.

    This iswhat we should do for ourselves, for our own. Protect and defend not cower away or ignore what’s happening.

  5. Foxydevil
    August 29, 09:34 Reply

    You’ve just set an outstanding example of courage and bravery. You would have ruined everything by asking for his number, but I’m glad your decency prevailed over your lust. Like you said the boy looked young and naive and most likely in a state of shock, that would have been a wrong time to start making advances…. Hopefully other people follow suit and not just talk but also do, we can rant all we want on the internet, but as long as we don’t put our foot down and tackle these bullies, and set an example with one or two of them, this injustice of the horrible kito ,will continue to rear its ugly head over us all.
    That being said, always disclose your location to a close friend, Just in case something goes wrong and if it doesn’t feel right ,then please do not go, because our instincts seldom lies.
    The boy is lucky he got someone like you around, what of the hundreds accosted on daily basis with no one to save them.
    Feed the dick but not with your brain.
    Sheesh ?.

  6. Foxydevil
    August 29, 09:38 Reply

    Pinky I heard from a reliable source you have one of the best derriere.They say it bounces when you walk and it is softer than bread when it is squeezed. ? can’t we put our differences aside just for one night so I can confirm how true the rumour is? ???????

    • Johnny
      August 29, 09:47 Reply

      Ashewo man. You should have asked for 7 nights

    • Delle
      August 29, 09:55 Reply

      I always knew there was more to your persistent antagonism towards Pinky. I actually thought we have all outgrown this secondary school kinda attraction exhibition.

      Oh well…

    • trystham
      August 29, 11:26 Reply

      I imagine he’d be too busy correcting your grammar even if you had that one night. Did someone not call you a lawyer?

      • Foxydevil
        August 29, 12:32 Reply

        I’ve been studying Kama Sutra, and I guarantee you when I get my hands on pinky, the last thing he would be thinking of is correcting my grammar. ????
        Was that an attempt at shading ? By all means have the award for the best grammar tutor of Kitodiaries, but I guarantee you, I can beat you in any exam of any subject, without breaking a sweat ….that’s why I am a first class graduate ….you know that distinction someone like you can never get with “your superb English and superior grammar”. ?
        A lawyer?
        Seriously where did you even get that, I didn’t even major in arts. Perhaps you’ve been hallucinating as well or just simply delusional.

  7. Delle
    August 29, 09:53 Reply

    I do hope you got around to getting the number cos you damn well deserve it. The guy won’t even have hesitated.

    Thank you, Nonny. Thank you ?

    May there be so many Nonnies around to help gay men out of such precarious situations IJN!

  8. riddleMe
    August 29, 10:16 Reply

    Thank you Nonny…..I love you so much.

  9. Omiete
    August 29, 10:26 Reply

    When you know that God is on your side, if you coming out that night wasn’t divine i don’t know what is.

  10. Lotanna
    August 29, 12:36 Reply

    Thank you Nonny for saving that boy from the pain and psychological trauma of being ‘kitoed’.
    Since he is young,I wish you got his number or something else to maintain contact for further grooming.

    • trystham
      August 29, 23:40 Reply

      Further grooming? LMAO. I thot so many many nasty things

  11. Nonny
    August 29, 14:10 Reply

    Wow! Thanks guys.I appreciate.

    It wasn’t easy for me and wouldn’t be for anyone but let’s try and do what we can in like situations. Thanks. Nonny Chukwunonso

    • ARINZE
      August 29, 19:42 Reply

      Nonny you ave caught my ⚠… i like men with courage…08160194189… we can hang out… i stay in onitsha….

      • Pink Panther
        August 29, 22:13 Reply

        Really? This on a public forum? You do realize anybody could be reading and taking note of your contact, right?

        • Francis
          August 29, 22:15 Reply

          Maybe na kito person looking for thirsty bitch to trap

          • Mandy
            August 29, 22:21 Reply

            Lol. Francis could be right. Could be a kito person hoping a thirsty KDian will bite.

      • Mandy
        August 29, 22:19 Reply

        Such recklessness. This one’s obviously new here and doesn’t know the protocol for hooking up. Ifa nefarious somebody takes this contact to start tracing you now, you’ll start crying. Forgetting you brought it on yourself.

      • Nonny
        September 01, 09:59 Reply

        Guys calm down. My email is there. Instead of saying things here. Send it privately to my mail.thanks

  12. Jide
    August 29, 14:49 Reply

    Lol you could have just asked for his twitter or IG handle since you didn’t want those guys to notice you saving his number on your phone.

    Great work you did there, Nonny.

  13. Tobby
    August 29, 18:03 Reply

    He can count himself lucky

  14. Himbo
    August 29, 18:11 Reply

    I’ll name my new dog nonny so he can be brave like you. Well-done !

    • Nonny
      September 01, 10:03 Reply

      Really? Me? Your dog?

      Answer the same name. Oh man!

      • Francis
        September 01, 10:05 Reply

        ?? Naming a dog after someone isn’t always a degrading thing. Relax man. Context.

    • Francis
      August 29, 22:13 Reply

      When someone falls for hoodlums/blackmailers disguised as potential hookups

    • Mandy
      August 29, 22:23 Reply

      Or when someone gets outed and shamed for his homosexuality.
      Welcome,indomie generation. There’s much to learn from around here.

  15. Francis
    August 29, 21:57 Reply

    ?????????????????? May person do am for you too in your time of need.

  16. Boniface
    August 29, 23:09 Reply

    that’s so horrible anyway great work nonny l live around that nkisi close to basilica junction there are alot of kito guys out there people should be careful how they go there cos all this abakiliki people that live near that magazile junction are hell bent to set any unsuspecting queer up

    • Nonny
      September 01, 10:07 Reply

      Okay man. But I’m talking of the nkisi street at Enu Onitsha. Awka road. Stay cool man!

  17. Lorde
    August 30, 07:05 Reply

    So ehh nonny……..when can I start worshipping you as my lord and personal “saviour” ….what you did was beyond admirable…. I have put you in my prayers… will do great tins in this your life….

    • Nonny
      September 01, 10:07 Reply

      Smiles. Abeg e never reach that level. Thanks though

  18. Delle
    August 30, 07:15 Reply

    Oya o, lemme do and coman save my own kito victim and put up the post abeg. These comments are so inspiring ??

    • Nonny
      September 01, 10:08 Reply

      Hehehehhehe please do! And I will talk about you for one month?

  19. Stardmich
    September 03, 23:25 Reply

    Kito spotted.
    If you know what’s good for you, do not call anyone who drops his number anywhere on KD.
    Its a kitolure.
    Unu kpachara anya.

  20. aAYaaH
    October 18, 12:08 Reply

    Hey. I love this. I’ve stood up like that for someone in public. It’s funny how most gay guys will stand by and watch their mates assaulted. if we don’t speak out for their sexuality sake, they we should speak out for humanity sake.
    Thank you so much. God bless you.

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