Tim Cook talks about being gay role model

Tim Cook talks about being gay role model

This past Sunday, 60 Minutes devoted much of its episode to an interview with Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple and the most powerful gay man in the world.

While much of the discussion focused on Apple’s business practices — including its use of encryption, its hiring of workers in China, and accusations that it seeks tax shelters in foreign countries — Charlie Rose did bring up Cook’s relatively recent coming out.

Cook described why he sees being gay as a benefit:

“When you’re in a minority group, it gives you a sense of empathy of what it’s like to be in the minority, and you begin to look at things from different point of views, and I think it was a gift for me.”

Since he came out, the Apple CEO has become an outspoken advocate for LGBT equality. When Indiana passed a bill earlier this year that would have allowed businesses to discriminate against gay people, Cook blasted Gov. Mike Pence in a Washington Post op-ed. Cook also unsuccessfully urged Alabama to enact LGBT protections, and made a large donation to the Human Rights Campaign.

Rose also asked why Cook didn’t come out sooner. The executive said he valued his privacy but eventually realized his impact as an out gay leader would be too great to pass up.

“But it became increasingly clear to me that if I said something that it could help other people. And I’m glad, because I think that some kid somewhere, some kid in Alabama, I think if they just for a moment stop and say, ‘If it didn’t limit him, it may not limit me.’ Or this kid that’s getting bullied. Or worse, I’ve gotten notes from people contemplating suicide. And so if I could touch just one of those, it’s worth it. And I couldn’t look myself in the mirror without doing it.”

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  1. Mandy
    December 27, 06:43 Reply

    “When you’re in a minority group, it gives you a sense of empathy of what it’s like to be in the minority, and you begin to look at things from different point of views, and I think it was a gift for me.”

    Lol. Oh Tim, not all minority group people share your sense of empathy o.

    • Peak
      December 27, 07:07 Reply

      Mandy! Haba! Wait make day break before you begin throw…never mind. Carry on.

      • Pink Panther
        December 27, 07:09 Reply

        But Mandy speaks truth. A very evident one.
        Tim Cook, I laud you though. You can be my role model anytime. 😀

    • Henrie
      December 27, 07:18 Reply

      It’s supposed to give you but sadly, it doesn’t.

    • Jamie
      December 27, 07:52 Reply

      Absoluely true o!! Check some LGBT say derogatory things about other LGBT, and you’re disappointment will take time to give way to hope!!

  2. Dennis Macaulay
    December 27, 07:39 Reply

    I have always shouted this from the rooftops! This is the single best thing being gay has done for me; I am very accepting of difference because I know what it is like to be regarded as different.

    I am the one constantly defending people who would have been criticised by society. For instance my colleague is pregnant and unmarried and everybody judges her at work especially the married people. I wasn’t her friend before but I basically became her only friend, I defend her before other people and all, escort her to lunch and even drive her home many times in crazy PH traffic.

    Once she asked me why am I nice to her, why don’t I judge her like the rest? I laughed and told her that nobody gets to set a template for anybody on how to live their lives.

    So I completely endorse this statement by Tim Cook.

  3. sinnex
    December 27, 07:56 Reply

    “… the CEO of Apple and the most powerful gay man in the world”

    Source, please!

    Is this verifiable or just wishful thinking?

  4. Oluwadamilare Okoro
    December 27, 08:45 Reply

    The empathy part …. Certainly.

    And having gay people come out in powerful positions is a very good thing for the community … People see these and think outside the box … And make something great of themselves without limitations.

  5. Lothario
    December 27, 09:38 Reply

    Being a part of a minority is meant to make you more open minded and understanding of different situations, but for some weird reason a lot of people still make themselves judge and jury over other matters that aren’t theirs.

  6. Delle
    December 27, 10:17 Reply

    I don’t think I’ve heard anyone bash Tim Cook for being gay. I wonder what Nigerians would do if Tim comes to the country and promises to build a factory, no Nigerian would refute it even if they know he’s gay. I’m sure Buhari would kiss his feet!
    I just told my mum right now, I was like, ‘Mum, do u know Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple Inc is gay? If he decides to pay us a visit with his husband, what would you do?’ Do u know what she said, ‘Are you serious, that fine man? (as if ugly ones should be gay). Ehn, if he comes, what’s my business with his being gay? Abeg, he should just drop something before he leaves shaa’, and then she scoffed. Mtcheew!
    To be accepted hunnay, you have to be gay and influential. Let’s see how it goes.

  7. Teflondon
    December 27, 13:46 Reply

    I think being rich and independent makes coming our a lot easier. It’s paramount to be successful in whatever it is one is doing.
    Supposed Common sense seems to fly out the window once a rich successful person is involved. If a rich man comes out now says he eats shit (as in excreta) literally to be successful, people will buy it. Whatever a rich person says, people have to listen.
    So I think it’s important we preach to the younger generations of gays & the LGBT people around us, the likes of Delles of this world, Ronnies of this world, Mandys of this world.. the need to shun irrelevancies, activism, hoeism and whatever it is little children do and face their studies so they can be the best at whatever it is they want to do. Then they can think about forming LGBT Voltron and activist. It is when you are rich & successful you can truly make an impact.. six packs or not.

  8. Tobby
    December 27, 17:29 Reply

    100% wrong about minorities having sympathy

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