Twitter user expresses a wish that makes us wonder: How Hard Can It Be For One To Switch Sex Roles?

Twitter user expresses a wish that makes us wonder: How Hard Can It Be For One To Switch Sex Roles?

On December 31, a Twitter user Andrés (@papistalli) posted a thirst-trap selfie along with the caption: “I wish I was top.”

From this caption, it is obvious that Andrés identifies as a Bottom during sex. Such a wish however begs the question: when a gay man yearns to switch sex roles, barring any bodily incapability, how hard can that be?

In November last year, a KDian sought the advice of this community on how he could go from bottoming to topping. According to him, because he was masculine looking, people he encounters during hookups always expect him to either be top or versatile. And so, he’d decided to try topping – except that he couldn’t, because he just could never stay hard enough for sex with him as a dominant partner to happen. (Following the various advice he got on that post, I wonder if he has been able to successfully navigate this situation.)

Anyway, this seemingly inexplicable inability to move from one sex role to another seems to be a affliction suffered mostly by Bottoms, as the reason the Tops who can’t make the switch have is simply that they cannot bear the pain of penetration.

Andrés’s followers however had a lot of encouraging words for him, from those who believe he can do whatever he puts his mind to those who believe he’s simply marketing himself to the Tops (lol). Check out the comments below.

Can we talk though? What are the possible reasons why transitioning from one sex role to another (usually from Bottom to Top) could be hard? And how could one overcome them?

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  1. Promise4all
    January 02, 07:35 Reply

    Sometimes, it stems from not focusing on the ass at hand, being distracted & the chemistry between the 2 persons

  2. Mitch
    January 02, 08:31 Reply

    I have no desire or intention, whatsoever, to “top” anyone in bed. I may play the dominant from time to time, but my domination still comes from the bottom end of things.

    I was once told by a fuckbuddy that I had a nice dick. And this son of man went ahead, when we were having sex, to pull out of my ass and start to settle himself on my dick. That was the day that earned my dick the nickname it got from Delle: Doorknob.

    Formerly hard dick deflated in seconds!
    Like, it probably thought, “What in the hot hell is going on here? Nuh-uh, Satan! Cannot be me! Will not be me!”

    So, no. I do not believe people need to flip roles. I do not believe anyone should even consider flipping their roles, unless it is something they really want to try out. Other than that, hell’s to the no, to the no no no!

  3. Ken
    January 02, 13:34 Reply

    There’s nothing like switch. Just like sexuality, our roles are also on a spectrum. And it’s not only bottoms that wish they can top, many tops also wish they could bottoms, if only to avoid all d work and just lie down there to take dick. For such tops it’s not only d pain, some people’s bodies are just not built for bottoming.

    Point is everyone is somewhere on d spectrum. There those who are either almost exclusively tops or bottoms and who may never know except the opposite role has been attempted.

    Know your body, love your body and do what gives u pleasure. To each his own

  4. Earl
    January 05, 00:09 Reply

    “Sides, graysexual and asexuals”


    • Nathan Bloom
      January 05, 15:13 Reply

      Speak the truth brother… Everyone forgets about sides

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