Waka Pass Diaries (I Know What I Did That Summer)
February 11
When I think about the daring sexual acts I’ve been involved in, one of them would be a hookup I had with X.
I got to know him many years ago, I think in 2005 or ‘6. I visited Lagos then on a holiday from university. I was staying at my uncle’s place. X was one of the first guys I got talking to; we got acquainted either on Manjam or some other old, probably defunct gay dating site. This was back in the days when kito was not something that was associated with online hookups. In fact, as far as I was concerned, the only definition of kito I knew was when you’d piss off your lover and he’d come over to your [parents’] house to “clap hands for you”.
X and I chatted and quickly developed a chemistry. We started talking on the phone soon after, and then, he wanted us to meet. He was staying somewhere in Yaba, with family, along Tejuosho Road.
When I came to his around 6 PM, his family was around. He’d been hoping they would all go out at the time he asked me to come over. But time was going and the house wasn’t emptying. We talked. We were into each other. We wanted to get down. But we couldn’t. There was no privacy.
Eventually by 7, upon reconciling myself with the disappointing reality that I’d wasted my time coming here, I told him I had to go. He offered to walk with me. He too was obviously disappointed. He was just supposed to walk me to where I’d take a bike home. But we were gisting and the walk turned into a stroll. We strolled past Yaba market, and were walking down the road that links the market side to Yabatech side.
Now, this road, which has NAFDAC and NIMR on its side, was not deserted. It wasn’t full of pedestrians and vehicular traffic either. There also weren’t streetlights. The only illumination on the road were lights from passing cars, and lights from the windows of some houses lining the roadside. As we strolled past NIMR, X started talking about how he would so like to fuck me. I told him it wasn’t possible, stating the obvious by letting him know we were out and on the road. By this time, we had gotten to a part of the roadside where an untarred road had cut into the right next to the wall fencing in NIMR. It was a cul-de-sac, a road that ended a short distance from the main road with some walled-in buildings at the end of it. It was also reasonably dark and deserted.
X looked at me and told me we could go into the cul-de-sac, over to the side of one of the fences and get down. The kind of lad I was then was this ajebo pikin, sheltered for most of his life, who couldn’t even boast of having been to a gay party, even though I was in the university. I had a bestie in school who always had wild stories of parties and hookups to tell me. And I always had no experience of my own to tell. So, the excitement I felt at X’s suggestion was more from the risk factor, the anticipation of a story to finally regale my friend with, than any real desire to have sex. I mean, I could already see me starting the gist to my friend with: “Dubem, you won’t believe what I did the other day. I had sex in public!”
So, I acquiesced and we moved down the untarred road, into the small neighbourhood, got to a fence which had surrounding trees to act as extra cover. Down went out trousers. Out came the dicks and ass. I still remember the unfamiliar sensation of nightly breeze wafting over the exposed skin of my buttocks. Not once did I feel any apprehension. And Gay Jesus was on our side, making sure that there were no interruptions.
While a short distance away from us, vehicular traffic roared past on the main road and people shuffled along the roadside, some of them talking in raised voices, X and I grunted and moaned and huffed and panted as we fucked. Right there, under the benevolent gaze of the stars winking in the night sky.
About 15 minutes later, we were done. And then we reemerged onto the main road to continue with our stroll. I think I even fell a little in love with X for giving me the most exciting night of my life at the time.
We stayed hooking up till my holiday ended and I left Lagos. After that and over the years, we went through this whole continuous process of losing touch and reconnecting without any real commitment to stay in touch, and losing touch again and reconnecting again. One of the times we reconnected, he asked me out. But I was no longer the boy he used to know. I had outgrown anything he had to offer as a lover.
And now, a couple of days ago, voila! His invitation is in my inbox.
He is getting married.
This MGM thing sha… You just blink and the guy who you were smashing private parts with is suddenly settling down with a woman. As much as I don’t judge, it just makes me just a little sadder every time yet another gay man toes the line laid out by the society and does that which the very nature of his sexuality forbids him from doing.
But be that as it may, if you’re reading this, X – I wish you a Happy Married Life.
Written by Pink Panther
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Black Dynasty
February 12, 09:19I agree @ toeing the line society has laid out and definitely each to his own, i fully understand why they’ve made those choices even if I personally don’t agree with it and as someone who recently came out to my parents, I’m very pro my happiness being very high on the priority list.
The coming out story I’d maybe share @ some point… lol one parent was fully accepting with open arms and love, the other is still in denial but no hatred or anger (which was surprising) and yea, both my parents are Nigerians.
On another note, I remember the public escapades with the bf at the time…sex at the pool side, in the football field, on the athletics track, in the same room as my homophobic room mates sleeping ??… wild times!
Pink Panther
February 12, 09:22And just like that, in one comment, Black Dynasty has gotten me interested in at least 3 future stories he’ll be sending to Kito Diaries. ??
Black Dynasty
February 12, 09:49?? nah only one o, the coming out one. Still waiting to see the conclusion of the parent in denial as we haven’t spoken over the phone in 3 weeks versus once or twice a week prior to the revelation (just the occasional WhatsApp message for now)….. lol let’s see how it goes.
February 12, 09:52Nah!!! Just two. One, his coming out; Two, out and wild, a series
Pink Panther
February 12, 10:17Out and wild, a series. ?????
I like the sound of that.
Black Dynasty
February 12, 10:32?? @ out and wild… a series. Lol I’ll think about it
February 12, 11:24‘Out and wild’, a series
February 12, 13:21The day I have sexcapades as wild and free and full as PP is the day I hit my chest that I am a fulfilled homosexual.
But even that is dimmed as I am not fanning my embers of random and impulsive sex anymore.
PP, you are envied.
Pink Panther
February 12, 15:01?????
February 12, 15:44Wow. Some people have finished enjoying this life and I’m here doing what exactly?
The public fecking thing is scary and exciting all at once. But PP, no condom, lube or oil? Abi e carry for pocket?
The devil is putting it in my heart to try this on Ajah Bridge. Who will partner me? lets enjoy life small too.
Pink Panther
February 12, 16:30????????? iDied.
February 21, 19:39Lol….This made me remember the first time I had sex with my bestie who I thought was straight. The whole shit happened at night in a room where I, my bestie, my brother and my brother’s friend were all sleeping on two joined mattress placed on the floor. I never knew my friend was gay….and I never believe I could take such risk
Pink Panther
February 22, 06:12How about sending us the story… ??
February 22, 06:16I wouldn’t mind?…..its coming up
Pink Panther
February 22, 06:20Just email it to pantherptb@yahoo.com
February 22, 07:02I’ve sent you a mail. I look forward to seeing it posted