365 Days With E

365 Days With E

It’s been 365 days since you agreed to be my girl. I’m literally writing this a few hours after I called you, crying because I’d hurt myself. That’s how much I’ve opened myself to you. You’re the only person I’d bawl my eyes out in front of.

I remember how I asked you out. I had this whole thing planned in my head. I didn’t want to do it via text because I wanted to see your reaction.

But then again, as you know, your girlfriend is a chicken. So, of course, I asked via text.

Actually, I asked you: What are we?

So, I still kind of made you do the asking before I concluded. That’s kind of how we are, always starting and completing each other’s sentences and actions.

In these 365 days, we have shared so much, both our birthdays and New Years, Valentine’s Day and first days at new jobs. We have had our fights. I have supremely fucked up. For about 100 of those days, we have been apart from each other in a long-distance relationship.

And yet, in spite of all that has happened, I have always wanted to be with you.

You’re still the first person I want to tell the news of whatever has happened to me – which has probably put me in more trouble than usual. I know you think I have a lot of close friends, but you are the best of them all. I mean, you’re a lover and best friend rolled in one.

Right now, I don’t want to reminisce. I just want to think about the future because mine has you in it. I’ve had so many dreams about our wedding day – you looking as beautiful as ever in your gown and me in my jumpsuit. We’d have family attending; not sure who exactly, but we’d be surrounded by love. And it’d be such a fulfilling day because you’d be smiling. Your smile which always fills me.

Another dream I keep having about our future is you and I in the morning, living together in a 360° glass penthouse apartment. We’re both getting ready for work. There’s a child and a dog. And I see it again – your smile.

These dreams are the goals I go for. They are the destination I aspire to.

On this day, 15th of July 2019, I want to thank you for letting me love you as best as I can. For being patient with me as I learn better ways to do so. I want you to know in front of whatever audience is reading this, that I will never hurt you and I will always love you. And if for whatever evil reason, you’re not my Forever After, you will always have a special place in my life. Forever irreplaceable.

Happy One Year Anniversary, Babe.

Yours Forever


Previous Opinion: The Truth About Having A Big Dick

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  1. Mikkiyfab
    July 15, 05:45 Reply

    Charlie, thanks for the write-up and u surly want to make me fall in love over again and happy anniversary to you both ? keep the love going
    It’s so Beautiful to have beautiful memories( even the horrible/funny ones) with someone

  2. Mandy
    July 15, 05:50 Reply

    You guys have been together a year already? Wow. What it must feel like to reach a major milestone with someone who you’re in love wit and together with. Happy anniversary to you guys. Keep inspiring us with your love. ?

  3. R.W
    July 15, 06:34 Reply

    This is so beautiful, so so beautiful. Happy one year Anniversary to you both. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  4. E
    July 15, 07:07 Reply

    Charlie, never met anyone who loved me like you do. I want to be in your arms right now, but this distance….

    I love you so much, mere words can’t express all of it.❤

    Thank you everyone, i really hope some day we would share our happiness with the world without restrictions.

  5. D.A
    July 15, 07:45 Reply

    This is soo beautiful. You make me want to fall in love. Im soo happy you’ve found this

  6. Doris Tiffany
    July 15, 08:08 Reply

    Happy Anniversary to the perfect pair!May this day make your relationship stronger and lovelier. Wishing you all the best! ?

  7. Pearl
    July 15, 18:29 Reply

    This is beautiful, love is such a wonderful thing. Happy anniversary to you both.

  8. C
    July 15, 19:42 Reply

    In awe of how much you’ve actually grown and changed since you met E. Wishing you the best always and this is clearly it for you xxx

  9. Mikey?
    July 15, 20:18 Reply

    Nice one, I am quite new to this blog and I am already a huge fan I had read a lot of the stories here and I want to share mine
    Please how do I go about this

  10. J
    July 16, 00:39 Reply

    Hmmmm this is beautiful ❤❤❤

  11. Temi
    July 23, 03:30 Reply

    May your love continue to increase and never decrease. ❤

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