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Gallery 32 Comments

Photo: Does Such A Woman Exist?

Someone updated this on Whisper, and I had to wonder. Does such a woman (or man) exist?

Gallery 27 Comments

Photo Of The Day XXXIV

I really, REALLY find it galling when straight guys say stuff like that. Even the very unattractive ones. Tossing about that comment as though (in my opinion) to soothe their

Gallery 5 Comments


??? I have no words.


  1. Kenny
    June 09, 05:14 Reply

    LMAO ? ? ? ? ? ?. Who the fuck are these people? I just ignore messages like that

  2. Shuga chocolata
    June 09, 06:04 Reply

    Looks like something I’d do.

    This one wrote in full.
    Saw one that wrote NASLR.
    turn off

  3. Colossus
    June 09, 07:08 Reply

    Seems like my kind of people.

  4. Mandy
    June 09, 07:21 Reply

    The repartee was so on point. Lmao.

  5. Stein
    June 09, 07:57 Reply

    They’re gonna be lovers???

    • Pink Panther
      June 09, 08:10 Reply

      Hehehee. You saw that too, right? The chemistry set ghan.

  6. Adey
    June 09, 09:07 Reply

    It was magical! And they met a few hours later, had sex all night, at day break crept out of each other’s life never to meet again…

  7. Brian Collins
    June 09, 11:30 Reply

    Hehehehehe, I think both of them maybe KDians. You stay on KD long enough and this is what you become.

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