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Photo: Eggplant Wednesday
It seems the search for a new Mr Ideal Nigeria is on, because I’ve been getting lots of mentions on Instagram to like the pictures of hopeful (and might I
Tweet Of The Day XIII
This sarcasm is what those who say being gay is a choice deserve.
Photos: Gay Loving At The Beach
How is it fair that two gorgeous men like this can look so hot and so in love and be enjoying themselves by themselves, hmm? Oh well, the gay couple
June 09, 05:14LMAO ? ? ? ? ? ?. Who the fuck are these people? I just ignore messages like that
Timi Leo
June 09, 05:36at least he caught the vibes
Shuga chocolata
June 09, 06:04Looks like something I’d do.
This one wrote in full.
Saw one that wrote NASLR.
turn off
The Reverend
June 09, 06:41Now this is what I call ‘Love at first shade’
June 09, 15:02Beautiful
June 09, 07:08Hahahahahaha
Seems like my kind of people.
June 09, 07:21The repartee was so on point. Lmao.
June 09, 07:36?
June 09, 07:57They’re gonna be lovers???
Pink Panther
June 09, 08:10Hehehee. You saw that too, right? The chemistry set ghan.
Masked Man
June 09, 08:21And they fucked the next day.
Richard Moore
June 09, 09:18I know, right?
June 09, 09:07It was magical! And they met a few hours later, had sex all night, at day break crept out of each other’s life never to meet again…
June 09, 09:37most accurate comment
Shuga chocolata
June 09, 11:28Adeyeye oooo?????
June 09, 09:55LWKMD…. Bitches!!!
Brian Collins
June 09, 11:30Hehehehehe, I think both of them maybe KDians. You stay on KD long enough and this is what you become.