“Gay Porn Is Full Of Straight Men.” Twitter user schools the unenlightened public

“Gay Porn Is Full Of Straight Men.” Twitter user schools the unenlightened public

When a Twitter user who goes by the username “The Xterminator” posted a question where he basically asked straight men if they would agree to have penetrative sex with a gay man for the price of $50,000, I doubt he expected to get a whole education on how unoriginal his query was.

Because, guess what? Gay-for-pay actors in the porn industry are not brand new.

Twitter user @fagtanica basically educated him – much to the delight of gay twitter – on how for the right price (that certainly doesn’t have to be as high as $50, 000) straight men can bend over for gay dick.

Check out his tweets below:

Previous Gay Porn Star Donte Thick Faces Backlash For Saying He Won’t Work With HIV-Positive Models Who Are Undetectable

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    August 09, 07:53 Reply

    Oh my word!!! ???
    So, I found this post very interesting and informative. Lemme gaan Google these names and check out their work.
    I can’t stop grinning ?

  2. Rex
    August 09, 08:29 Reply

    This is utterly depressing. The fact that straight people take advantage of the gay porn industry is no news, but knowing that they do so and say trash about it, and still these companies contract them, makes me want to hurl. It’s entertainment, of course, but it’s diabolic and cynical. But anyway, the entertainment industry is beclouded by unoriginality. I wonder why I’m surprised.

  3. Delle
    August 09, 11:32 Reply

    I like the way this tea was dished! I wish I could print this into fliers and harshly paste it on the face of any homophobic idiot I come across.

    Very informative ?

  4. No_el
    August 09, 13:59 Reply

    Malachi Marx for the win…

  5. Jay Armstrong
    August 10, 09:42 Reply

    ?hot damn!

    Exactly the reason I stopped watching Castro Supreme’s porn. Why have sex with a straight guy for pay? Oh! People and their fantasy.

    This proves a lot sha. And it proves nothing too.

  6. Shadow
    August 10, 11:29 Reply

    I’m actually surprised that most of you didn’t this fact. Don’t believe anything you see in porn. Most of those dudes have kids and they just do gay porn because the pay is better than straight ones especially if you are straight guy.

  7. Dixxy
    August 14, 15:38 Reply

    Wat a wawu…straight guys be taking dick since 1890 for the right price…lol

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