Have Yourself A Merry Christmas, KDians

Have Yourself A Merry Christmas, KDians

This has been a tough year.

But even if you have no reason to be joyful, remember that there is life. And with life comes the promise of a better tomorrow.

And so, in this season, here’s to wishing you find a reason to celebrate.

May you be surrounded by love, joy and hope for better days ahead.

Merry Christmas, KDians. You have all been a testament to the goodness of humanity this year. May all the goodness you’ve put out manifest in your lives this season and in the new year.

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  1. Mandy
    December 25, 08:43 Reply

    Merry Christmas, Pinky.
    Merry Christmas, KD.
    Merry Christmas, everyone.

  2. Fred
    December 25, 09:46 Reply

    A very Merry Christmas to the KD team and every KDian.
    May our joy be always full to overflowing.

  3. Dunder
    December 25, 13:57 Reply

    Merry Christmas to Pinky, his team and all Kdians. May 2020 end well and may 2021 be a year of great leaps and bounds in the direction of our dreams. It is always well with us. I’m so grateful for the existence of this community.

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