Those Hookup Abbreviations You Should Know (Just In Case You Didn’t Already)

Those Hookup Abbreviations You Should Know (Just In Case You Didn’t Already)

If you ever log onto Grindr, SCRUFF or one of the dozens of other knock-offs only to feel like you’re lost in a sea of newfangled and, at times, completely nonsensical acronyms, you’re not alone.

These days, people are all about efficiency. We used to write letters. Then we switched to email, which became texts. And now we speak in the gibberish of ABS (abbreviations). They’re quicker. And in the land of hookups, time is of the essence.

So WAFA (without any further ado), scroll down for 20 modern abbreviations to help you decipher WTF (what the fuck) guys are typing–as well as what they’re really saying–in their messages.

  1. BRB

What it means: Be right back.

What it really means: Goodbye forever.

  1. HMU

What it means: Hit me up.

What it really means: You’re hot.

  1. LOL

What it means: Laugh out loud.

What it really means: This is an awkward text, so I’m going to pretend it’s funny and ditch you.

  1. LMK

What it means: Let me know.

What it really means: Yeah right, you’re not gonna let me know.

  1. ILYK

What it means: I’ll let you know.

What it really means: This is the last we’ll ever speak of this. This is the last we’ll ever speak forever.

  1. ASLP

What it means: Age, sex, location, picture.

What it really means: Age, sex, location, picture.

  1. MYOB

What it means: Mind your own business.

What it really means: I’m grouchy and can’t deal right now.

  1. NBD

What it means: No big deal.

What it really means: It’s a fucking huge deal!

  1. HU

What it means: Hurry up.

What it really means: I’m horny.

  1. ITAI

What it means: I’ll think about it.

What it really means: No chance in hell.

  1. SG

What it means: Sounds good.

What it really means: You meet all my criteria. Let’s hookup.

  1. A3

What it means: Anytime, anyplace, anywhere.

What it really means: Anytime, anyplace, anywhere.

  1. ASAP

What it means: As soon as possible.

What it really means: If you don’t get over here immediately, I’m going with plan B.

  1. J4T

What it means: Just for today.

What it really means: Seriously, this is a one-time thing unless you are really hot.

  1. NMHJC

What it means: Not much here, just chilling.

What it really means: I’m bored, alone and horny.

  1. ZZZ

What it means: Sleeping, bored, tired.

What it really means: Your face pic doesn’t excite me.

  1. REHI

What it means: Hi, again.

What it really means: You abruptly disappeared earlier. Where did you go? Please talk to me.

  1. OYO

What it means: You’re on your own.

What it really means: I’m really sorry but this just isn’t happening.

  1. BF!*

What it means: Bye, Felicia!

What it really means: Fuck off.

*not to be confused with “BF” (no exclamation point) which stands for “boyfriend”

  1. AMF

What it means: Adios motherfucker.

What it really means: Adios motherfucker.

Know any others? Help your brothers keep up to date in the comments section below.


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  1. Absalom
    May 25, 09:43 Reply


    What it means: Fuck me

    What it really: I said, Fuck me! *angry face*


  2. Max
    May 25, 10:07 Reply

    IDGAF- I don’t give a fuck-
    Real meaning- I don’t give fuck
    Ttyl- Talk to you later
    Real meaning- Talk to you whenever, I don’t really care..
    WUU2- what are you up to
    Real meaning- Are you thinking of me?

  3. tobby
    May 25, 11:27 Reply

    Fuck off

    What it means: fuck off

    What it really means: fuck off you annoying piece of shit, I hope you choke on your own saliva and die.

    • Brian Collins
      May 25, 15:03 Reply


      What it means: Rolling on the floor laughing my ass OFF
      What it really means: I am laughing really hard and a coupla people are giving me stares but i am not a pig why would i roll on the floor

  4. OMG!!!It's HIM
    May 25, 11:35 Reply

    TTM-Talk 2 me
    Real Meaning-I gaz 2 hear frm U soon
    FF-Feel Free
    Real Meaning-Say whteva U wanna say even if it’s annoying,I’ll handle it well

  5. KingBey
    May 25, 11:51 Reply

    Bye Felicia ! hahaha hahaha. that got me…..Cookie Lyon to Anika.

    • Nelo
      May 25, 12:03 Reply

      Lmao @ NMHJC that one had me rolling on the floor, and I use it all the time. Lol
      First commenter!!! Hi Pp!

      • pete
        May 25, 15:31 Reply

        welcome Nelo. is your name short for Chinelo?

      • Nelo
        May 25, 17:18 Reply

        Lol @pete nah, its an Abbreviation for a different name.

  6. Sinnex
    May 25, 11:58 Reply

    Seems like I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.

    On a serious note, do people use these ABS? Sounds stupid to me sha…..

  7. pete
    May 25, 13:03 Reply

    YWWMK – You wan wear me Kito
    do I need to explain this?

  8. tobby
    May 25, 13:15 Reply


    What it means: Nothing

    What it really means: You’re boring the hell out of me. Bye-Bye


  9. Brian Collins
    May 25, 15:16 Reply

    le3mme just confess and say that i did not even know one. Does that mean i have become old cargo like some people?

  10. beryl04
    May 26, 10:23 Reply

    please guys which one is “mbok” ?

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