“I am as comfortable in a suit as I am a jockstrap.” Former Fox News anchor, Jim Walker, discusses new life as a gay porn star Dallas Steele

“I am as comfortable in a suit as I am a jockstrap.” Former Fox News anchor, Jim Walker, discusses new life as a gay porn star Dallas Steele

The former Fox and CBS news anchor-turned-gay porn star has spoken about his new life.

Jim Walker has spent the last 19 months building himself a reputation in the gay porn industry. He left his job as a weatherman after being told by the network boss that his co-workers did not like him.

Jim Walker adopted Dallas Steele as his porn star name.

“I am as comfortable in a suit as I am a jockstrap,” Dallas has said.

His shift towards the porn industry somewhat began when his partner died. The death rendered him homeless and in great financial difficulty. The stress of everything was beginning to have an impact on his health. Then he left his job.

“It was a good thing getting released from my contract,” Dallas says. “I’m much more successful in every measure than I ever was before.”

Despite changing audiences, he still receives hate. Comments ranging from ‘Is this what a mid-life crisis looks like nowadays?’ to ‘If this is the gay mid-life crisis, I’d rather be straight’ are hit out at him.

Dallas says in response: “They’ve obviously decided at some point that there are limitations about who you can be and what you can do once you hit 40. I’m sorry if the haters have decided that gays over forty are supposed to put on the board shorts, move to the suburbs and settle down to bridge parties once per week. I don’t plan to ever go quietly into the night.”

Dallas is 44. He recently got butt implants, paid for by an escorting client.

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  1. Johnny
    September 02, 06:52 Reply

    Butt implant? Maka why?
    People will just be doing dangerous things to fit in . But I like the pic where he is hanging that dudes leg. I like the position like mad.

  2. Francis
    September 02, 09:21 Reply

    For me, it became midlife crisis at butt implants

  3. Mandy
    September 02, 11:07 Reply

    Looks like gay porn pays well, if he could decide to quit a news anchor job for it.

  4. Lakayana
    September 02, 12:37 Reply

    It may not have to pay better than the news anchor or weatherman job. There’s something called ‘job satisfaction’ that money sometimes can’t buy.

    Kudos to him but Butt implants is such a reach..

    • Eddie
      September 03, 13:10 Reply

      What’s wrong with butt implants??? Its what he wanted and I think his choice should be respected

  5. Pjay
    September 03, 15:57 Reply

    I’m just wondering why we don’t have any picture of the implanted butt.

    • Yazz Soltana
      September 04, 01:33 Reply

      I’m starting to wonder what sort of investigative journalism that is practiced here… .

  6. Khaleesi
    September 06, 13:17 Reply

    Damn but i love his confidence! ‘i don’t plan to ever go quietly into the night’ yassss!!!

  7. Francis
    September 09, 14:26 Reply

    Aha! No wonder the butt looks kinda weird

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