Kito Alert: The Face of Gift Udo, the Kito Perpetrator In Abuja

Kito Alert: The Face of Gift Udo, the Kito Perpetrator In Abuja

These are part of the kito scum that victimized Gizem, the person whose encounter with them was published HERE. Gift Udo (the guy whose friendship lured him over to Nyanya) and Vino Legacy (one of the five guys who set him up) are the two whose information Gizem was able to obtain after his ordeal.


Gift Udo is from Akwa Ibom State. But he resides in Nyanya, Abuja.

He has two Facebook accounts: Gift Udo and D Gerneral D Gerneral.

He is greedy and vicious, and operates with a gang together with whom will do anything to get as much money from their victims as they can.


And this one is Vino Legacy or Victor Michael. He also resides in Nyanya, Abuja. And he works as a member of Gift Udo’s gang. His Facebook account used to bear his name, Vino Legacy, but after Gizem launched an online attack seeking to expose both him and Gift Udo (prompting Gift Udo to start tightening the security around his accounts), Vino Legacy changed his account name to Promise Zilla and hoarded up access to the account. He is also on Instagram with the handle @offical_vinolegacy.

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  1. Obidiya
    July 01, 12:19 Reply

    The background of the picture with the main scum is obviously one of the new hostels in University of Abuja main campus. The scum might still be a student there. Hopefully narrowing down the search for whenever you wanna pay him back in his own coins. And to even think that they look awefully familiar self. Tueh! The other guy looks like he is still prepubescent. Lord have mercy.

  2. Alexxparish
    July 02, 13:42 Reply

    Thanks for the info and I think is high time we start treating all those fool the same way they are treating us and pay then back in thy own coin
    “What goes around comes around” an eye for an eye

  3. A
    July 03, 02:31 Reply

    We need to go on their pages and call them out . Any Kito scum that we get their info needs to know that you don’t do that to a human being!!!!!

    • Jai Anand Kumar
      July 03, 14:35 Reply

      Call them out???
      How’s that going to affect them?
      You can’t really think they’ll suddenly grow a conscience do you?
      Forget their pages, the best thing to do with these one is track them down and deliver violent retribution period. Afterall force is what the average Nigerian responds to.

  4. Ade
    July 05, 13:11 Reply

    Useless human,pls PP How can i tell my kito story..

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