Man Crush Monday: Tyler Lepley
There’s one thing that comes to mind when you think of a Tyler Perry movie. And that is, the anticipation of beholding beautiful men in it. And that is exactly what KDian, Adrian, saw when he started watching the Tyler-Perry-created TV series, The Haves And The Have Nots. He fell in love with a prime piece of hunky deliciousness. His name is Tyler Lepley, and he wants y’all to drool along with him. Drool only, Adrian says. The thirst should not proceed further than that.
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Anybody getting off at this stop? 😀
March 16, 08:01Eyes just like I like it, caramel skin just like I like it, lips just like I like it and those muscles are just like I need em..
March 16, 08:02Max, do u by any chance have your tongue hanging out of your mouth, with all this panting?
March 16, 09:03Down boy!!!!!
March 16, 08:01He sure is a cute dude…….
March 16, 08:03Dear Adrian,permit me to just have a bite,a small bite.
March 16, 08:04I comment my reserve until I see him in real life and had a couple of rounds with him.. Can’t trust photos cause of photoshop. Those perfectly shaped eyebrows tho.
March 16, 08:15Ah! A light skinned bruvahhhhhhhhhh! *sigh* I’m still trying to stay away from them!
By the way these pics don’t do this guy any justice at all. U just wanna pull the table cloth and send every utensil on it flying to the ground and replace this dude with them on the table whenever he steps on a scene.
I don’t follow the show but there is this black gay guy that gives me “mature and calm trey songz tease”. Now that’s the typa nigga u dream of getting a white picket fence with
March 16, 08:25Or sweep a hand over the office table and send every equipment on it crashing down, so you can get to business with this guy’s equipment. 😉
March 16, 08:52Pinky I’ll like to see you try that out in your office, in your wide spaced office.
March 16, 09:02Hahahahahahahaa. Colossus, Yimu to you!
March 16, 08:52Lol @ whatever happens in the office stays in the office
March 16, 08:26wow this is so strange. i just started watching the series yesterday.
its so true. the actors are super hot n sexy. but i have to say the series is trash.
good storyline but bad script and mediocre actors. the story somehow mimicks revenge. all in all its not an exciting show. after the first three episodes i put it off n went to bed.
March 16, 08:29Well… *fanning flushed face* Whatever happens in the office stays in the office. 😉
Dennis Macauley
March 16, 08:36***passing by and sipping coffee***
March 16, 08:56Tyler Perry sure know how to pick em. For an ‘extremely straight’ guy, he sure knows how to pick em.
Bane Salazar
March 16, 09:00How can one human be so damn fine? Is this even legal? Smh…
March 16, 09:04Lmao. He should be prosecuted for extreme fineness, right?
March 16, 09:00Awwwwwww, its Benny, I always had a thing for Benny tho.
March 16, 09:09OMG!!!!
**Clutches chest nd collapse on to d nearest bystander**
Bro is everything! Jisox!
With guys like this always in Tyler’s works, I doubt bro straightness! Dont even give me d “he has a babymama” excuse oh! Even me can have a baby mama too **yimu**
The amount of fine men in this world even makes me wonder if I can ever b faithful in my head! I will just b having an affair in my head nd smiling sheepishly all by myself.
And Adrian, we r sharing biko! I would b d humble second wife while plotting ur demise so as to take over!
March 16, 09:15Hahahahahahahaa. The evil that gay men do…
March 16, 09:25I see u… with odu anya..
March 16, 09:29Chukwu Nna!!!!! the 1st pin the suit did him no justice @ all, i was about to “jump and pass” sef – seeing as he’s not as dark a i love my men, but then, i scrolled down and … what do you know?!!! ***shaking and pulsating all over***, Adrian, na u sabi oooo – am dragging this one with u! ****Stirs in an extra large portion of love potion into my pot of stew, gazing lovingly at Tyler’s pic****
Dennis Macaulay
March 16, 12:36Hoe alert
March 16, 09:38He’s so handsome ^__^
March 16, 09:45Nothing special about him na.
Except the pictures did not do him justice.
March 16, 10:06Ooh la la!!!!!!!
That’s one fine piece of man candy!
Oops! Excuse me *adjusts DVF wrap dress and pats curls in place*
AT ALL!!!!
PINKI!!! What were you thinking uploading this shabby pictures na? Glad google is my Friend. Kai.
And Adrian, dress, shift, move, scoot, skedaddle, scram, hotfoot it, hightail it, run, make tracks, vamoose, GET!
You think you can hoard this lab rat to yourself alone?
Think again! Nonsense ati eroja!
March 16, 11:20Jisox! The oga at the top doth arriveth.
Dennis Macaulay
March 16, 12:34Vhar? You too?
****dials chestnut****
March 16, 13:18Abeg who has the link to download the new season 3 i think it started january
March 16, 14:03*next please*
March 16, 14:18Lmaoo my broda you really need major tutoring in seriosly what does next pls means in dis situation?if u really have nothing to say u could have just scrolled can a normal happy person view such a piece of hunk specially created by God and say such u are either envious or or extremely pls?lame attempt to sound cool.
March 16, 14:47Piece of hunk specially created by God… Lmao! Kai. I don die. We should all respect perfect creations, yes?
March 16, 15:20My diya yes o!me am of the school of thought dat believes in respecting and appreciating the finer things in life.if some1 is cute,intelligent,or rich appreciate and respect them how boring life wud have been without such eye candies.sumtymz when am out and i just see some kind of guys i just appreciate d work of baba even if we never speak with such persons my day is made and am really happy inside.
March 16, 15:57Preach, posh! Preach!
March 16, 15:02@posh666
Bitch sleep!
Did you get my mail? Sent in this morning
March 16, 15:55Yes I did @ Teflondon
Oluwadamilare Okoro
March 16, 15:08Ahhhhh Benny temi nikan!!! *lgnores Adrian*
He YIS FINE!!! I piece of him is just what the doctor recommended.
OAN: Jeffery (the gay guy in the series) is another kinda hot… so is Jeffery’s dad… and that jeffery’s best friend!
Lawd. I want them ALL!
March 16, 15:25Me i want jefreys dad for sugar daddy lmaoo ok dat sounds so wrong buh lord knows that is 1 fine brotha and when his talking d way the veins in his neck pop up urghhh major turn on!dat white man too isnt bad too.make nobody judge me oh but forreal d thots of fucking an older guy always turns me i miss Uni days chai i waka o.Abj was my playground doz days and those foreigners were really much not too long ago there wonder if abj is still as fun.
Oluwadamilare Okoro
March 16, 15:30Hahahaha see him. Ashawo ten kobo.
I don’t find the white man attractive jare… but that jeff’s dad? yepa!
I silently say a prayer for Tyler perry when I watch his movies… especially the stage plays OMG!!!
March 16, 15:44Lmaooo no try me o abi high class ashy! Aswer his movies always gives me pleasure its gives eyegarsim lol what ever dat means haba its a sin to have so much fine chocolate brothaz crawling everywhere.well a brotha is allowed to dream sha one day one day
March 17, 08:29Perfect shoulders