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LOL! Has the hookup ever been so good that you had to ditch your friends to meet the appointment? 😀

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Photo Of The Day V

Yup, the world keeps getting more and more ridiculous by the day. But hey, if there’s any Kitodiariesian feeling a smidgen of internalized homophobia, well, here’s your chance to cure

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Bests Of Online Hookups VII

Yup. It is an interview.


  1. Colossus
    February 15, 05:01 Reply

    First again. Now where is my prize?

    • pinkpanthertb
      February 15, 05:03 Reply

      Heheheheee!!! A free ticket to now go back to sleep. 😛

    • Eros
      February 15, 08:22 Reply

      Oya cum and take a tin of creamy peak milk. You deserve it. 😀

  2. lluvmua
    February 15, 05:40 Reply

    Yeah right……. *goes back to sleep*

    • Colossus
      February 15, 05:44 Reply

      All of you that are going back to sleep, wake up ooo. It’s time for morning devotion.

      • Paul
        February 15, 06:25 Reply

        If u’d b leading, then sleep pays more!

      • Ace
        February 15, 07:30 Reply

        I am up for devotion. With everyone showing off their early morning boners.

  3. Chizzie
    February 15, 09:32 Reply

    but this was dry, the dryer -than -mother-theresa’s- vagina-type of dry.

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