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Gallery 37 Comments

Cakes On Display

Okay, this has got to be either surgery or padding. Ain’t no way God can bless one person with cakes as bountiful as this nau, ehn?

Gallery 13 Comments

Bests Of Online Hookups XVIII

*sigh* Some sexual kinks I just don’t get.


  1. bobby
    October 06, 11:20 Reply

    yellow on regular basis…if you’re bae, i go red!

  2. Max
    October 06, 11:49 Reply

    Yellow is my regular. I know some people here who have done orange and red. Don’t wanna mention names though.??

  3. Mandy
    October 06, 11:54 Reply

    Green, if you’re that guy I wish I didn’t have to have sex with.
    Yellow, if you’ve got a monster dick.
    And Red, if you’re bae. 😀

  4. tobby
    October 06, 13:34 Reply

    I think imma stop at green. Maybe scoop a bit of the yellow if I really

  5. ambivalentone
    October 06, 13:47 Reply

    I mosdef won’t deep throat it till I get to red. Lick at the base?? Hell YEAH!!!!!!

    October 06, 13:50 Reply

    Things my mouth can do…. Orange mostly but if u are bae or someone I really like I can go red without shaking … OkBye

  7. Ruby
    October 06, 15:05 Reply

    Any Day, Anytime…
    *hey HERO*

  8. Chizzie
    October 06, 15:49 Reply

    Green its as far as I’ll go, because I am not XL and we aren’t shooting a scene for

  9. Preeq
    October 07, 13:39 Reply

    I get to the stalk every time. Reaching red is a no brainer..

  10. Nilla
    May 13, 10:20 Reply

    Orange and if i got so horny i go red for him

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