Photo: Hottie Of The Day

Photo: Hottie Of The Day

Buff!Sometimes I see the photos of some guys, some guys so hot, so sizzling hot you can almost see the smoking hotness come off them like steam, and I wonder how long it took God to create them. Saw this photo on twitter and I simply had to share. Dunno his name, dunno who he is. But I would sure love y’all to join me in saying ‘Hallelujah’ to such a glorious work of art.


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LOL! I am not the one going to hell for this. Chestnut is.

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LMAO! Now THAT is what’s most important.

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Photo Of The Day LIV

Where’s Africa? I don’t see the black man size on this!


  1. lluvmua
    May 05, 12:34 Reply

    Oh ma gosh his dude is fine gurlllllllll*screams nd slit wrist nd jumps around*

  2. lluvmua
    May 05, 12:36 Reply

    @andre_hayford !!!! He has got to b nigerian though *oh God plz let him b* plz find out bout him plz

  3. john
    May 05, 15:09 Reply

    Wow…. I’m cuming lol

  4. atrociousB
    May 06, 11:52 Reply

    I’ll look liked dis pretty soon ^_^ #Vision2015

    • pinkpanthertb
      May 06, 13:21 Reply

      You don’t say. Be sure to let us see so we can drool over your pics

  5. kendigin
    May 07, 07:56 Reply

    Abeggi! Such so-called “hot” guys are usually very arrogant and vain. They believe everyone is here to worship @ their feet
    Too bad gay men are extremely shallow. For me, the peak of sexiness is a guys intellect and character. Nothing as sexy as a strong man with presence and confidence, who can take control. Nevermind that he has pot belly!

    • lluvmua
      May 07, 08:02 Reply

      Yeah that’s true , they re usualli arrogant nd all. Buf serzly? Pot belli????? Lol

    • Deola
      June 04, 11:52 Reply

      This!!!! Took the words right out of my mouth

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