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Our Stories 7 Comments


Persistently, we read quips or jibes about how the LGBT are shoving their sexuality in everyone’s face. It has become a running joke. A persistent sentiment. How we have infiltrated

Our Stories 70 Comments


It was supposed to be one of those meet-ups you have with your friends, where you talk about everything and everyone you know. I don’t know how it happened, but

Our Stories 3 Comments

By Herself

Something struck me the morning that I saw my sister off on her way to work. While we stood by our junction, waiting for a taxi, I saw a woman


  1. Dennis Macauley
    January 19, 06:37 Reply

    Religious idiots is on point! Sometimes you are home alone on friday drinking coffee and watching Revenge and your friends think you are having a shagfest lol

  2. KyrxxX
    January 19, 06:43 Reply

    R u sure that last one is what we really do always?


      • Deola
        January 19, 07:31 Reply

        Lol…KryxxX behave yourself its too early to be finding trouble!

  3. Ace
    January 19, 06:47 Reply

    The one with religious idiots got me dying! Lol! That is the picture in their heads when they hear the word “gay”.

  4. KryxxX
    January 19, 06:53 Reply


    That “what my mum thinks I do” no go kill me oh! Choi!!!

    Are we that useless nd jobless to d world?

  5. Deola
    January 19, 07:39 Reply

    The other ones are debatable, but the one about religious idiots is absolutely spot on!

    We are mentioned in the same breath as thieves, rapists, murderers and pedophiles… It doesn’t take a genius to see that those ones always involve victims.
    Who is the victim when two consenting individuals of either similar age or two adults get together?
    Common sense they say is not common…

  6. Mercury
    January 19, 07:46 Reply

    Absolutely spot on, people hear the word gay, and the worst comes to mind.

  7. Max
    January 19, 08:17 Reply

    That Friends and Religidiots part is so on point..

  8. Absalom
    January 19, 08:22 Reply

    “What society thinks I do” doesn’t apply to Nigeria. The average gay person here is not interested in any form of activism/community issues yet – I think. (But that may be changing.)

    What Nigerian society thinks I do is have anal sex all day long!

    • pinkpanthertb
      January 19, 08:37 Reply

      LOL! Yes exactly. There’s this need to associate all gay men with sex and the anus in Nigeria.

      • Pedro Mann (@D1kPedro)
        January 20, 15:16 Reply

        I want to rephrase your sentence: “There’s this `association` about all gay men with sex and the anus in Nigeria.”

  9. Khaleesi
    January 19, 11:05 Reply

    lool … the pic about religious idiots is right on the money!!! I cant count how many times i’ve heard a religitard justifying his homophobic hate under the premise that gays “target” children.
    Also, a lot of my friends for some weird reason find it hard to believe that am not having as much sex as they like to imagine am having. Being gay (for me) isnt all about the sex, if you ask me, sex gets tiring and monotonous …

  10. tobby
    January 19, 11:12 Reply

    The religious nd Society part are spot on!

  11. Lord II
    January 19, 15:07 Reply

    Ah…what I think I do! Spot on!

  12. Metorsexual
    January 19, 18:44 Reply

    ‘What religious idiots think I do’…. Now that picture got me rotflmao…!!!

  13. Gad
    January 19, 22:29 Reply

    I think the last one should read” what I really ought to do”

  14. Mr Kassy
    January 20, 02:17 Reply

    Mtchewwww!Nonsense And Condiments!!

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