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Photo: National Chocolate Day

According to Tyson Beckford’s instagram update… So why don’t you indulge by letting us know your perfect brand of chocolate. Just so y’all know, the Idris Elba and Tyson Beckford

Gallery 11 Comments

Bests Of Online Hookups III

LMAO!!! *wiping tears from my eyes*


  1. KryxxX
    June 05, 05:17 Reply


    We r gay! We are queer! We r here! We’ve been here! We ain’t going nowhere! We r here to stay! WE R TAKING OVER THE WORLD!

    They ain’t seen nothing yet! ITS Remaining naija! That national assembly building would collapse on d day they r having a joint section!

    GIVE IT SOME TIME ND One idiot now would come with his own analogy that d sins of d gay community caused d flood just like in d days of Noah nd Sodom nd Gomorrah! And that the rainbow was man-made nd not natural! Smh! Afujugo m anya! Iberibe @ its peak!

    • pinkpanthertb
      June 05, 05:36 Reply

      Hahahahahahahaaa!!! National assembly Building collapsing… Chai! Kryxxx, you have no chill.

    • Mitch
      June 05, 06:44 Reply

      KryxxX onye oma m, I don miss you scarra!

  2. Ringlana
    June 05, 05:19 Reply

    All I Know is “There is God ooo”wink

      • Max
        June 05, 07:20 Reply

        Countries are having double rainbows, others are flooding.. And he still haven’t got a single activity in his backyard… And you’re wondering why he’s yimuing..

  3. Mitch
    June 05, 06:46 Reply

    Wonder what Nigeria would be getting. Famine, drought, war, hurricanes or an earthquake!

      • Mitch
        June 05, 06:59 Reply

        Me, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for an earthquake that’ll hit only that yeye House of Assembly.

    June 05, 07:17 Reply

    Aswear this is is the best thing I’ve seen all week…

  5. Diablo
    June 05, 09:28 Reply

    God? Ha! …or the Association of Gay Satanists world wide. We had to sacrifice a couple of ( straight) humans to get the Job done, and the results are what we expected. Nigeria is next…

    • pinkpanthertb
      June 05, 11:03 Reply

      Hahahahahahahaa @Nigeria is next. You sound so deliciously ominous, Diablo

  6. posh6666
    June 05, 10:17 Reply

    Lmaoo ok this pics is soo wrong.Btw Korede Bello has suffered o eversince d release of his Godwin video the gay bashing is now unto anoda level,with d way he was dancing.Nigerians and dia hypocrisy so quick to label one gay when sucking dicks is dia own favourite hobby.

    • Ringlana
      June 05, 11:27 Reply

      I can’t stop Laffing ,he wants to bring out. His own Style #Shoki

      • posh6666
        June 05, 11:35 Reply

        Lol me too lezbee honest dat dance sef get k leg abeg…the boi jus dey dance like say him jus receive finish

  7. mrFresh
    June 05, 10:35 Reply

    Its so great …and it gladens my heart to see dat picture up ….only God knows wat wld happy to Nigeria oooo…keeping my fingers crossed…
    PS:Am new here ….good to be here

  8. Ruby
    June 05, 10:40 Reply

    Most likely I hope our National Assembly will experience a Landslide dat will only affect the Legislative chambers only should they revisit this matter.

  9. Khaleesi
    June 05, 11:18 Reply

    lool… how apt!!! Does anyone else find it ironic that Ireland which for decades was renowned for its two major exports; potatoes and – – Catholic priests/nuns has granted full equality to gays? Day after day, any justification for homophobia is being erased and evaporated yet Nigerians (typically), still cling staunchly to their homophobic hatred … Good job Ireland! Now, where next? and … don’t hold your breath for Nigeria, its not happening anytime soon! sorry to burst your bubbles …

    • pete
      June 05, 14:06 Reply

      how can you forget Guinness?

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