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Gallery 11 Comments

Photo: New Hollywood Movie Premiere

The critics are going gaga over this one. And the box office predictions look very promising. They’re saying it will be the next rom-com hit since The Other Woman. 🙂

Gallery 41 Comments

Photo: Caption This

Awww. There. That’s my caption. What’s yours?

Gallery 6 Comments


LOL! Oh dear.


  1. ken
    November 30, 07:42 Reply

    What a dream!

    Maybe if gay peeps werent too shallow, self absorbed and utterly consumed by sexual fantasies, we could actually begin to focus on more serious aspects of relationships

    • Max
      November 30, 08:01 Reply

      Cynical, stereotypical, but true.

  2. bruno
    November 30, 07:48 Reply

    …or maybe you should work on fixing your broken pieces first before becoming an emotional liability on someone else.

  3. sinnex
    November 30, 07:50 Reply

    Unfortunately, one day might never come. Why wait for someone to fix the broken pieces when you can just fix it yourself.

  4. Delle
    November 30, 09:45 Reply

    *wiping off tear beads*…I wonder that man that would not want this.
    I need this in my life! Oh *resumes sobbing fit*

  5. nonchalant
    November 30, 10:13 Reply

    #yawns boring!, no skin.
    one day ,am gonna hug yhu so tight so all yhur lose pieces fall off.
    so I can f..k yhu silly.


  6. nonchalant
    November 30, 10:32 Reply

    why would anyone wanna stick yhur pieces together, when all I wanna do is take’em off.

  7. Chizzie
    November 30, 10:43 Reply

    I hope they grab my ass while hugging me. *wipes tears*

  8. King
    November 30, 11:35 Reply

    Be the change u desire…if u want that kinda person…be that person

  9. Otega-Lag
    November 30, 13:42 Reply

    I believe dat one day i’d fynd dat guy dat wud do dat 4 me…#Optimistic

  10. Aj
    December 04, 18:35 Reply

    If only we were not too sexually conscious.

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