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Gallery 28 Comments

David McIntosh Is A Very Sexy Man

Here’s my response to his Instagram update above: ‘I promise on all the lives of the forgotten mermaid children of Atlantis that this is not a hard-on I have for

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Photo: The Ring On It

That moment in the future when you can fabulously flaunt the fact that he finally put a ring on it.

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Photo: New Hollywood Movie Premiere

The critics are going gaga over this one. And the box office predictions look very promising. They’re saying it will be the next rom-com hit since The Other Woman. 🙂


  1. A-anon
    September 01, 06:49 Reply

    The things we do with religion…

    How are you guys? It’s been a bit…

    • Pink Panther
      September 01, 06:50 Reply

      OhmyGod!!! ANON! Where on KD’s rainbow-coloured earth have you been?

      • A-non
        September 01, 07:01 Reply

        Good morning Pinky, been good.

        Just got involved with a lot of stuff – my plate’s going to get busier but am learning to better manage my time and priorities.

        Trust you’ve been good though?

        Peak, Dennis, Max, Enigmas, Ace, Keredim and James – trust they are good and have remained loyal to the KD brand?

        • Pink Panther
          September 01, 07:26 Reply

          Well, welcome back. Hope you sort out everything in good time and return to being a regular on KD… 🙂

        • Enigmous
          September 01, 21:42 Reply


          My plate has been overly full too but what can I do. I haven’t been as frequent as I would like to here on KD but I try to peep in once in a while.

          I’ve missed KD. I’v missed your virtual presence. Hope to feature more often on this new platform.

          PP, kedu?

    • Peak
      September 01, 08:33 Reply

      A-non WTH!!!

      Where have u been? Welcome back bruh. U have been missed

  2. kacee
    September 01, 07:45 Reply

    Religious pricks mtchewww

  3. R.A
    September 01, 08:01 Reply

    LOL….. “Just praising and worshipping the holy name” I’m in tears

  4. Mandy
    September 01, 09:09 Reply

    Lol. Hilarious. How on earth u gonna win souls for Christ in an environment where guys are looking for fuck

  5. Peak
    September 01, 10:02 Reply

    “The power of a good holy woman in yourself will guide you in the right direction”???

    Ummm the holy woman in him has already guided him to ur “holy dick”, so watchu talking bout?
    Are u gonna give it up or nah?


  6. Diablo
    September 01, 10:24 Reply

    I like the make good choices part. Sound advice

  7. Sinnex
    September 01, 10:53 Reply

    I have seen it on 2go but Grindr????

    For goodness sake, why would someone go through the hassles of creating an account on a gay hookup site. Na wa ooo. This is madness unlimited.

  8. ToeKnee
    September 01, 11:43 Reply

    We should be careful guys. This is like a disguised advise. If a pastor can download grindr on his android to reach gay people, so could thieves and fraudsters,even the law! Watch/mind who u chat with and further decide to visit…PeaceOut

  9. Khaleesi
    September 01, 11:49 Reply

    Insane deluded piece of fuckery!!!

  10. Masked Man
    September 01, 12:43 Reply

    Religious peeps are annoying.
    Leave God to do his work.
    Someborri wants a good dick, a dictator you are telling him bible and deliverance. What insolence. It’s either you are giving or not.

    Just try it. They fall the instant you seduce them.

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