Quinn’s Recipe for Hot Steamy Sex

Quinn’s Recipe for Hot Steamy Sex

First, we have the ingredients.

1. Ditch the labels – tops, bottoms. Be versatile.

2. Lots of hands: Explore each other’s body with your hands, mouth, eyes.

3. Be expressive: Arch your back, talk dirty.

4. Be drunk or get high.

5. Enjoy it all – the sweat, all the pleasurable pain.

6. If you feel it getting dull, innovate! Change position. Do something! Hand, tongue, finger!

7. Get dirty: Don’t be afraid of anal play with your hands and tongue. That shit can be very orgasmic!

8. Take it like a man: Remember what I said about ditching the labels; being a bottom or top does not make you the woman, bitch or the man or whatever. Your body has sensual nerves in your asshole and dick. Feed them.

9. When one partner comes from maybe topping, don’t be a stingy asshole. You are only allowed to use kissing for a brief minute or two to catch your breath, and then…

10. Switch it up: Bottom for your partner!

And then the bonus:

After the coming of both parties, rest, catch your breath, while still touching and kissing each other’s bodies. And after about two minutes, get in on round two!

Now that’s how it takes two to tango.

As extra ingredients of choice:

1. Mood and environment should be considered.

2. Having a clean body is not a bad idea.

3. Incorporate sweeteners: Dipping the dick or spreading chocolate or fruits could be an equally interesting idea. Also trying chewing gum to sweeten those kisses is a good idea.

4. Sexy underwear or cross dressing is a fun idea.

Written by Quinn

Next Rapper MI slams Nigeria’s persecution of gay people, and someone else seeking relevance is responding

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  1. trystham
    August 09, 06:22 Reply

    That 7 though. Did u really mean the shit, as in ‘SHIT’ was orgasmic? And didn’t I read somewhere all dem syrup and sugars and chocolate were NOs in the anus?

  2. Mandy
    August 09, 07:08 Reply

    Ditch the labels? Be versatile? Lol. Why can’t y’all learn that some people just wanna stay bottom and others top?

  3. Francis
    August 09, 07:10 Reply

    To take notes or to waka pass? ???

  4. Delle
    August 09, 08:25 Reply

    To me, this is just the perfect recipe! I know I am supposed to respect the opinions of people and wanting to stick to a particular role but mehn, versatility is the way.

    Oh well, I shouldn’t chug this down your throats. But then, versatility is still the way. ??

    PP that theme picture! The theme picture!!! ????

  5. Mitch
    August 09, 08:55 Reply

    Number 1.

    I’ve got a door knob, not a dick.
    It’s only function is to pee!
    And that’s not a joke

  6. Johnny
    August 09, 09:36 Reply

    Lol. Versatility is not for everyone. Topping cam be odd even for power bottoms.

  7. IBK
    August 09, 10:12 Reply

    I think.. Or rather what I interpret as ditching the labels of top bottom and what have you is to ditch those rules that come with them eg tops shouldn’t like being rimmed, bottoms shouldn’t cum, don’t finger me while I’m ploughing you cause I’m top. Basically if it’s pleasurable for both parties then do it.

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