I’d been chatting with this guy that I met via 2go. We’d exchanged nudes; I’m comfortable with my body, so I have no qualms sending nudes. He sent his nudes; he had a nice phat ass. I usually prefer slimmer bottoms if I’m topping, but I was happy to make the exception. The ass looked good. That and the fact that I was horny that day. We talked about getting together and settled on me going over to see him.

And so, minutes later, I was off to his place. His roommate from the university was around, he’d said. He assured me that that wouldn’t be a problem though, because the roommate was queer also. His sister had gone out, so there was privacy-ish.

I got to his place and there was the usually small talk. Then he stepped out because his sister had asked him to make dinner and he had to buy some things for the cooking. While he was out, his roommate began giving me the signs. Frankly, he wasn’t my type, but my dick was on brick already. But I stayed on my good behaviour and ignored him.

Eventually, the guy I came to see (let’s call him Lex) returned. He deposited the stuff he bought in the kitchen and the two of us went into the toilet to do our thing. We started kissing and then he gave me a brief blowjob. Then I dropped his pants and his ass was right in my face because I was getting ready to rim him.

But mehn! The minute I spread his cheeks, what was tucked in there was a different story altogether. Those phat ass cheeks were hiding a mess of a hole. Yellowed, dried, chaffy bumps all around the hole, with some of them looking like they hadn’t dried up fully yet.

At this point, he was still sucking my soon-to-be-soft dick, so he couldn’t see my facial expression; he had his back to me in what would have been a 69.

I looked around, casting about for what to do. Then my eyes settled on the soap and I picked it up, wetting my fingers and started fingering him. At first, he welcomed the penetration. And then he began moaning for my dick, wanting me to fuck him.

But there was no way I was putting my dick in there. I came up with an excuse; told him I didn’t like using soap as lube, that it hurts my penis. This was a lie by the way, and I hoped he wouldn’t then say, “Oh but I have lube.” Because then, I’d have to figure out another lie – like “Is it water-based lubricant? Because I only used oil-based lube.”

Eventually I fingered him to orgasm (thankfully). He left the bathroom to check on his cooking. But before he left, I asked him if his roommate was bottom too, and he said yeah.

So he was gone, and I invited the roommate into the bathroom and gave him a good pounding. His hole was delish, I ate it good, and we used soap for lube (lol). The sex itself didn’t go longer than about 10 minutes because I didn’t want the other guy around while we were fucking. So we were in the bathroom and I was rimming him when Lex came into the bedroom, and then I banged him when Lex went out again to check the food.

Lol. I know. I’m a mess.

Anyway, that was that. And I learned my lesson after that. Thenceforth, if you’re sending me your ass pics, your hole’s gotta be showing. A nigga’s gotta see where his tongue and dick are going to enter.

Written by Blemish

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  1. Francis
    September 05, 06:25 Reply

    I reject this level of horniness where you see warning signs and still proceed to chook finger/penis.

  2. Mike Daemon
    September 05, 07:40 Reply

    Becareful, no judging but it seems to me that you had unprotected sex. And what you called ‘bumps’ are warts and lots of bottoms have it. Please advise to go get it checked, and on the process also get tested for HIV, you can also do the same, and then repeat after 3 months. Goodluck!

    • Black Dynasty
      September 05, 13:22 Reply

      You read my mind exactly. How does one complain about someone’s likely STD symptoms and then proceeds to have unprotected sex a few mins later?

    • Higwe
      September 07, 04:24 Reply

      I don’t understand, he should go get tested for fingering?
      Thought it was the roommate he banged?
      Lex is the guy with the wart infection not the roommate.

      • Black Dynasty
        September 07, 04:33 Reply

        Chances are that this is not the first person coming to fuck one or both of them BB. If you have bb sex, it is pertinent that you go for regular STI tests.

        He was saying that the author should advise the gentleman with the likely STI to go get tested and the author should do the same too

  3. Wonda Buoy
    September 05, 10:44 Reply

    What the stupid did I just read? Obviously written by a teenager.

    And submitted here for us to clap for him or what?

  4. Peaches
    September 05, 19:01 Reply

    I am appalled that you didn’t give a most fart about that first bttm, nor did you profer solution, and to think he trusted you enough to even see it. This person in question has to be a teenager or someone very careless with personal hygiene and then you had to fuck his roommate as top priority before you put him through with what is right??! PP!!! How much will it cost me to throw this fellow in KD prison till my anger dies down.?

  5. Tristan
    September 06, 00:20 Reply

    Y’all want to crucify this guy ‘cos of his carelessness. Don’t you know ‘konji’ is a bastard? ‘Nawa’ for y’all claiming perfectionists. Dude, don’t try do that next time ok…kukuma go for a proper check up and play safe next time. Love you?.

  6. Shamiso
    September 06, 07:14 Reply

    He didn’t bang him na! Y’all should read carefully…

  7. Gaia
    September 06, 10:11 Reply

    For the pikin mind… he don write story for una. Lolz.

  8. Patrick
    September 06, 23:21 Reply

    I thought stories with unprotected sex are censored here.

  9. Higwe
    September 07, 04:21 Reply

    Why did I laugh so hard though ???

  10. Jinchuriki
    September 07, 11:10 Reply

    You are not a mess. People should make an effort to get clean if they want sex that bad. The visit was all for sex and his roommate was a cleaner option. Hygiene comes first for me.

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