My sister and her husband travelled out of the country. But before she left, my sister exhorted me to come stay at her house and mind the place. She had a small vegetable garden that needed to be watered and two Rottweiler puppies that needed to be fed and looked after.
Usually, I would decline such a request but she was one of my favorite and most generous sisters, and I wanted to be the first to grab whatever goodies they came back to Nigeria with.
The compound where she lived had two duplexes in it and just one gate. One duplex was my sister’s and her husband’s, and the other was home to their neighbour, who I understood had a good relationship with them. Their neighbours were a man and his wife, their newborn baby and the wife’s mother.
After days of just lazing about in the house, eating whatever I could find in the fridge and prancing about naked while flipping through the DSTV channels, I was positively bored. So, that day, I decided to take a walk. I threw on my Aireyys T-shirt which I ordered from Mike Edward’s website, with some grey pants and was soon off, out of the house.
I didn’t get far before I came across a really good looking couple jogging towards me: the man was well-built and very handsome and the woman was petite and pretty.
As they drew close to me, the woman called out to me, “You must be my neighbour… Nnenna’s brother, right?”
“Oh, yes,” I said as I extended my hand to take her slender outstretched hand in a handshake.
“You’ve been living in the same compound with us for three days and you haven’t even thought about coming over to say hello to your neighbours?” she said chidingly.
Even as I wondered why I had to be the one to go over to say hello instead of her coming over, I kept the smile on my face as I replied, “I didn’t want to disturb. I figured you guys would be busy.”
“Disturb kwa!” she exclaimed as though I’d uttered an abomination. “Nnenna and I are like sisters o.”
I wondered why my sister had needed to fetch me all the way from the East to take care of her house instead of letting her handle the responsibility, if they were so close.
The chitchat was starting to bore me and I was looking for an excuse to remove myself from the situation, when my eyes glanced over the handsome man by her side. Up close, I could see that he wasn’t really facially good looking as I thought he was from a distance. But he was sexy, with his sinewy build and his height at almost six feet three (I’m six feet five). He had on black jogger tights that did very little to conceal what looked like an impressive penis and a black T-shirt that accentuated his well-hewn chest.
Cindy, my sister’s neighbour, noticed my stare on him and belatedly said, “This is the devil, Deji.” She chuckled as she added, “My personal trainer. This man wants to kill me for my mother.”
I laughed at this.
As much as Cindy was talkative, there was something very cheery about her that made her likeable. I could now understand why she’d get along with my sister.
A little more chitchat – and a compliment about my body from Deji – and I was soon on my way while they continued with their jog.
Thereafter, Deji and I struck up a quick friendship.
Cindy had the tendency to dawdle whenever Deji came for their appointment, and so, he would come over to my sister’s to hang with me while he waited for her to either come back from the market or finish cooking.
During those hangouts, he would talk to me. He told me he’d been wanting to quit training Cindy for a long time because her lollygagging was costing him lots of other opportunities, but then, the money was good and she was one of his few female clients who didn’t hit on him.
I suggested to him that he should start coming with a change of clothes. So that when he was done training her, he could shower at my place instead of boarding a bus back to his place, all sweaty and dirty. He agreed.
This was part of my ploy to see him naked. But I had no such luck. Deji always showered with the door properly shut.
He was great company though. He wasn’t much of a talker but there was something very comfortable about having him around.
One day, we were having a conversation about football. I am not much of a soccer enthusiast, but I try to know enough about almost every topic so I can carry on a decent conversation with anyone to a respectable degree.
Somehow, we segued from how much footballers make into how little personal trainers make. And Deji began telling me how he would be making a lot of money if he had sex with some of his clients who kept hitting on him. He mentioned a Korean-American man who once offered him 750 dollars for him to fuck him.
“And why didn’t you take it?” I asked.
His eyes widened in surprise at what I said. “Bro, you want me to fuck man nyash? Abomination!”
I had to laugh. “Deji, are you a virgin?” I asked.
“Of course not,” he said, looking at me like I was an idiot for asking.
“So you fuck woman pussy?” I queried.
“Yes na. If not why not,” he said.
“Good. The way I see it, you’re already headed to hellfire. I mean, fornication is also a sin. So, what exactly does one more sin matter?”
“Nah bro, abeg.”
“You fuck woman pussy. You enjoy. She enjoy. You come give her your money join. But here is someone asking for that same fuck and will still pay you on top. If na me, I for don take am since.”
He looked astonished. “Na bro, this is an abomination in my town.”
“Poverty is also an abomination, not only in your town but everywhere in the world. Imagine having a gold mine and not extracting the gold? Bro, you are dulling. In fact, raise the offer. Tell him you’ll fuck him for two thousand dollars. If he doesn’t agree, tell him to get the fuck out, that if his trainer was an American or Asian, he would never price him that low.”
At this point, Deji got up and said he had to go.
As I followed him to the door, I persisted. “Think about it. That money is enough to take care of your two-year rent. Imagine not having to worry about rent for two motherfucking years. Guy, reason am well o.”
He chuckled and said, “Guy, let’s die this topic abeg.”
I shrugged. “Your call.”
It would be around midnight when Deji would call me. His voice sounded like he was battling with a major decision.
“Who go give person 2k dollars for this economy?” he said. “Isn’t it madness to even ask?”
“Bro, our level no be their level o. These oil workers earn a shitload of money. Trust me, 2k dollars means nothing to that guy. He only offered you that 750 because he thinks you’re a desperate African. Ask him. Even if he bargains, let it land on 1700, or at the very least 1500.”
“Hmmm,” was all he said.
“Yes bro,” I said. “At least, you’ll subscribe for me, as I don try for you na. 50 dollars go do.”
We both laughed.
The next day, Deji came back to my place. When I asked him how far, he told me the man had agreed. But he was worried about how easy it all was.
“I wouldn’t worry about it too much,” I told him. “I mean, you’d be a convenient fuck for him. He works six days a week. When is he going to have time to chase small boys? I think you should give him the fuck of his life, so he will want to call you back. Utilize this opportunity well, before he finds a cheaper replacement.”
“How does one fuck a man?” he said.
I chuckled. “Exactly the same way you fuck a woman. You’re just trading one hole for another.”
“You seem to have done it a lot,” he said, staring at me.
“Actually I haven’t,” I lied smoothly. “But if I have a man offering me 2k dollars for sex, I will fuck him even at the altar of a church.”
That set him off into a bout of laughter.
“So you’re sending me to a battlefield you’ve never been to,” he said with a chuckle.
As if, I thought. Aloud, I said, “Oya replace me with yourself nah. I will tell the white dude that you –that is, I – got plastic surgery.”
Both of us laughed this time.
Then I went into the my sister’s room and came out with a bottle of anointing oil that she got from one of her numerous pastors.
“Here, take this,” I said, holding it out to him.
“What is this?”
“It’s anointing oil, just in case he’s a ritualist,” I said with a grin.
He looked aghast. “A white man, a ritualist?”
“He’s probably not, but one can never be too careful. Drink this before doing anything sexual with him and insist on using a condom. Don’t agree with fucking him raw. If he wants to fuck you, also insist on a condom. If he says he can’t cum with condom, ask to finish him off with a hand job.”
The guy looked like I was unloading too much on him for his mind to process. And all he said was, “Um, okay.”
It would be two days before I saw Deji again.
I was fixing my sister’s mini generator in the hot sun and sweating profusely when he walked in. He smelled great and was wearing a gray turtle-neck shirt, faded blue jeans and Maserati sandals.
“Man, you look like money,” I said dramatically.
He chuckled.
“How was it?” I asked with a wink.
He broke into a shy smile, which made him look more desirable than he was.
“It was okay.” He’d always been a reticent one, but I could tell from the satisfaction on his beaming face that it probably went better than he’d anticipated.
“You used condoms, right?”
“Yes, definitely.”
“Good.” I smiled.
He handed me two crumbled 50 dollar bills.
“You deserve more, bro,” he said, “but I have expenses.”
“Nah bro, I was only pulling your legs when I asked for a cut,” I said, making a half-hearted attempt to return the money.
“Nah, keep it,” he insisted. “Like I said, you deserve much more.”
“Deji, this is too much. But thanks a lot.”
“I’ve got to go. Cindy is early today.”
“Go get it, tiger!”
I watched Deji’s departing form, his well-sculptured ass bouncing in the padded jeans. And I couldn’t help but wonder if he would be smart enough to know when to stop or if he would get to a point where he would no longer be able to define the line between doing this for the money or simply doing it because he wanted it. I also wondered if he would stay good with this hustle or if he would become one of those guys who let their greed get the better of them and push them into trying something unscrupulous to make more out of this hustle.
As I tucked the notes he gave me into my pocket, I also wondered if I would ever get the chance to play with that perfect-looking bubble butt of his.
Written by Higwe
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February 02, 06:39Higwe!
February 02, 09:16Yes , beauty ?
February 02, 07:40Lovely story.
And those things you were wondering at the end are legitimate. This guy’s first gay sex encounter is transactional sex. One that profits him very much. No reason why he shouldn’t continue.
Except, will he get so invested, he’ll turn into kito scum, withholding his dick and instead using the promise of sex to ensnare gay guys he feels have money he can get out of them?
February 02, 09:17True Mands .
The guy is one of the nicest person I’ve ever met though.
Money changes people sha.??♂️
February 02, 07:43That anointing oil part of the story was odd to me. Like, Higwe, you don’t really believe what you told him, do you? You don’t really think a bottle of, well, anointing oil would actually unleash something divine to save Deji in the event that the white guy was a ritualist? ??
February 02, 09:15?????
February 02, 07:46What’s the reason for recommending that Deji drink the oil before doing anything?
February 02, 09:18????????♂️
February 02, 09:29Superbowl update .
J Balvin and Bad bunny will be joining Shakira and Jlo .
I’m hearing conflicting reports about who will close and who will open Sha.
The good thing is that we won’t have to wait much longer ??
These are the 90 percent confirmed list for Shakira :
She wolf
Whenever, wherever
Chantaje/ la tortura / me Gusta
La la la Brazil
Waka Waka
Hips don’t lie .
Didn’t really bother to find out Jlo’s but these are the songs some people claimed they heard at the Staples center’s rehearsal.
Let’s get loud
On the floor
Love don’t cost a thing
Dinero .
Get right
I’m real .
Jlo will be bringing out her daughter- Emme , for a special performance .
Both Shakira and Jlo will tribute Kobe Bryant by coming out with his jersey .
I’m so excited ????????.
I die on Superbowl Twitter today .
February 02, 11:37Can we talk about how beautifully shakira aged though???,couldn’t take my eyes off her during her joint press conference with jlo and today is her 43rd b’day.
February 02, 14:11I swear !
Jlo looked like her mum ???.
Yes today is her birthday ,same as her partner Pique.
I’m so excited .?????
February 02, 14:46Yeah i saw a 60 minutes interview of her with Gerard and i dont know if im biased but for someone a decade older i feel like she looks younger than him,great looking couple though and she had better defend the ‘hips dont lie’ adage tonight.
February 03, 17:11Like seriously ,I think she turned back the hands of time ageing machine!! And as for she and Gerald ,they are soo cute together ,perfect couple..i think her humbleness and decency is bringing the best of her!!
February 03, 22:21Very true .
She’s so confident in herself.
That’s the most attractive feature anyone can have TBH .
February 03, 10:53My source was 90 percent accurate Sha .?????????
What a performance by Shakira .
Trending worldwide at nu 1 .
A literal queen.
Now I believe this dude actually works backstage as a producer .
Time to send him my number .
We won ! ???????????♂️
February 03, 16:59Shakira did blow up the stage ,her performance lit as ever..jlo really did so well to to keep up with shakira after her(jlo) 2014 world cup opening ceremony disaster… They really brought back the firework..but shakira outfit that red abi wine is sensational..
February 03, 19:16They were both amazing but Jlo’s attitude leading up to the performance made a lot of people ( including myself) turn on her .
* Cropping off Shakira’s picture on her social media pages *
* Saying it was her Super Bowl*
Plus that awful NY article about how Shakira didn’t deserve to headline with Jlo
I hate bullies and people who look down on others …….on a usual day JLO is my girl, but the poetic Justice of Shakira outshining her and Shakira’s songs doing much better post SB spike was well deserved .
She’ll learn not to undermine anyone again … especially a she wolf that her hips are truthful .?????????
February 03, 21:16“…Jlo’s attitude leading up to the performance made a lot of people turn on her.”
This is news to me, and I thought I was following the news about the Super Bowl halftime show closely.
*Cropping off Shakira’s picture on her social media pages*
Where? Because I’ve gone to check her instagram, and yep, Shakira is well and properly represented there.
*Saying it was her Super Bowl*
Again, where? Where’s the link to where she said this? And how come this presumptuous remark didn’t cause an uproar that anyone (other than you, that is) heard?
*Plus that awful NY article about how Shakira didn’t deserve to headline with Jlo*
So you’re going to blame her for what someone wrote online? Really???
Lol. Higwe, you’re usually too intelligent for these kinds of reaches and sensationalist comments. It’s okay to say you’re not a Jlo fan instead of dredging up stuff like this that I’m willing to bet are false to make her out to be some kind of terrible human being.
February 03, 21:46Well the cropping and co am not sure about..jlo was the first to thank her on her IG for sharing the stage with her…maybe is there fans that’s heating up those things..though is obvious jlo is not into her friend friend zone ..but she is very cool with her for the Superbowl.
February 03, 22:36You clearly didn’t follow it well .
Jlo cropped out Shakira’s picture on her Twitter and Facebook pages , there was a massive outrage that got her dragged massively on Twitter, she had to reedit the pictures.
If you know me well , you’d know I’m almost hundred percent certain of the information I choose to share publicly.
Notice the NY article comment was not marked , meaning I didn’t blame her for that , I only added it to the reasons I wanted her to he outshined and outperformed.
It may shock you to know that I’m a bigger Jlo’s fan than Shakira’s .
I love some of Shakira’s songs but I was practically living for Jlo up until she started being petty and unprofessional .
I hate bullies and people who look down on others , it doesn’t matter how I felt about you , once you start giving off that vibe I turn on you .
Don’t assume you know me just because we comment on the same blog .
Again , a simple Google search will get you up to speed with all the nasties that transpired before Jlo decided to wear her big girl’s pant and started acting professional …
Probably where you started following ?
Pink Panther
February 04, 03:50I Googled every form of “Jennifer Lopez crop Shakira picture” and came up with zero results. I too have been an avid follower of the Jlo-Shakira match-up since it was announced and had never heard of this supposed “massive outrage” that’s not on Google. Heck, I’ve had Jennifer Lopez on my Google Alert list for years now, and this piece of news has never dropped into my email. (And honestly, she did this on Twitter and Facebook, and not instagram? Lol. Such an inconsistent bullying)
Do kindly provide me with links to the story so I can check it out. Because that simple Google Search you suggested isn’t providing any result on the nasties that supposedly transpired between Jlo and Shakira. But maybe you know where to look for that I’m not looking.
February 04, 04:00Aswear Pinky, I’ve done both simple Google Search and complex Google Search, and even clicked as far as the third result bar.
Came up with zilch on any unprofessional behavior exhibited by Jlo.
But leave it up to him to presume that I started following Jennifer Lopez/Super bowl news AFTER the whole massive outrage. Lol. This guy.
I’d call you a liar, Higwe, but I wouldn’t presume to know you just because we comment on the same blog.
February 04, 08:04????????
Y’all be scalping a nigga bloody this morning!
I’m surprised y’all look at Higwe like he’s some honest individual. Higwe deliberately misconstrues things, adding overwhelming falsehoods to a backdrop of truth and presenting it as fact. With his usual touch of bombastic technical English, he utterly discombobulates his readership. And he trusts in the very insidious ignorance of the crowd not to try to verify his very obvious lies or even his wrong use of English.
Abeg, this isn’t new!
If you’re expecting truths from Higwe, you’re on a thing longer than a NEPA pole.
February 05, 01:50This is why you’re dying and miserable ???
If you put this much effort that you used to analyze me in bettering your life , you’ll be at a much better place.
You’re the biggest joke here and the most whimsical thing is how everyone is seeing it except you .
Scalp me ?
Ignorance does not a scalp anyone .
The two clowns here are Mandy and Pink P ,who are blatantly showing off their poor research abilities despite masquerading as journalists .
I provided the highly guarded set list of an American half time show before it was broadcasted and you really think I’ll lie about something like this ? ???
Of course , you’ve always been a fool, reason you ended up where you are.
I live in a fancy duplex in your head (rent free) while you’re nothing to me.
I don’t even remember someone like you exist until I log into this site .
The fact that with all the problems you’re seemingly going through you had the time to put up this amphigory tells me you’re faraway from healing .
I can already foresee your likely end and I’ll like to have no part in it .
I leave you to your misery …??? MR Mitch .
Keep analysing me …imagine someone that is not even in control of his impulses analysing a total stranger ????
The joke writes itself …. flibbertigibbet ???♂️
February 05, 01:28I’ve sent Pink P the screenshots .
Hopefully , he’ll send it you .
If it indeed turns out that I was telling the truth after all , I hope you’ll happily call yourself an idiot .
A very big one .
You call yourself a journalist or an editor , yet you couldn’t find a simple news that went viral just a few days ago.
I’m a member of a music site – ATRL , which means I get the latest updates about music easily.
In 2019 , shortly after both were announced as co headliners Jlo tweeted something about it being her Super Bowl with just her photo …the tweet enraged a lot of people and she was dragged .
On 30th of January 2020 another site uploaded a photo of Jlo’s Facebook header and it edited out Shakira’s face in place of two Jlos .
The news went viral and Jlo was dragged which forced her to change her header .
As for you calling me a liar , I wouldn’t fret over it …
I learnt this a long time ago , the first thing that comes to your mind about a person is most often what you are.
You’ve already proven how incompetent your research skills are , I hope you put a thought to this quote and work on your life perception .
February 05, 00:14*Lol , What AN InConSistent BullYiNg*?
You honestly think you’re sleek , when you are as ignorant as hell .
Jlo and Shakira’s half time headlining act was announced since Sept 2019 .
A lot of things transpired before a week ago that they had their press conference and started uploading each other’s pictures ….
How can a ” smart ” person base his argument on Jlo’s Instagram post from a week ago ?
Like how sensible is that ?
Again , I’d happily send you the link and the post , but will your ego allow you to come out here and tell everyone how you were wrong ?
Are you going to admit to them that you couldn’t get a simple news from Google ?
YoU HaD JLo On ALeRT ????
Dude, I don’t have people on alert , I simply pay keen attention to everything that interests me .
I may have a lot of faults , but blatantly lying about something that is easily verifiable ain’t one of them .
Usually I’d ignore this , but I am more than happy to wipe that smug off your face even if it’s privately .So I’m sending you the news .
The fact you think you know everything !
Talk about delusion of grandeur .???????
I HaVE jLo on AlErT .??
Pink Panther
February 05, 08:46The way you project your insecurities and impressions of yourself onto others will eternally amaze me.
Lol. SMH. I never have the energy to expend on you. I don’t even know why I bothered.
February 05, 13:31I sure do have insecurities ,loads and loads of them actually as you and a lot of people here do too .
I’m not ashamed of them , having insecurities makes me a human .
You know what I don’t do though …lie unnecessarily .
There are necessary lies but some lies are very unnecessary.
Like making up a false story about a public figure.
I don’t and will absolutely never do that.
Glad you got the evidence and actually apologized ( even if you took back you apology ) ??
BTW , my insecurities are certainly not those things I said about you .
Like I told you before , I don’t lie unnecessarily.
What actually makes me insecure is hanging around my agemates that are doing much better financially .
Having the same love / sex interest with a hotter ;sexier guy .
I can never feel insecure because things as useless and as worthless like Mandy and Mitch think my claim which is actually true is false .????
No sweetie , you got that wrong , just like you get everything not related to homosexuality wrong .
Stick to your gay topics .
That’s clearly the only place your expertise lies . ?????♂️
As for you Mandy , you may need to seek another occupation .
A journalist that can’t source simple news …welp !
You wonder why our country is where it is .?????♂️
February 04, 03:54??????
Did you just say “Don’t assume you know me just because we comment on the same blog”???
LMAO. I’d like you to remember these same words every time you go ahead to act like you know people like Mitch just because y’all comment on the same blog.
Just remember your words.
This is hilarious. SMH.
February 05, 02:31As always you end up making a fool of yourself . ??♂️
You only know Higwe a Pseudonym …I happen to know Mitch the person .
Correct me if I’m wrong , but that kind of gives me an edge in the personal descriptions .
Out of respect for the anonymity of this site , I’ve chosen to limit the information I share about some members here to only the things they’ve shared here themselves , but never you assume you know the extent of my interactions with all the pseudonyms here.
In your typical fashion you dive into conclusions without any verifiable proof and end up looking like a fool.
I’m much more informed about Mitch than you are of me, and I think I’m in a much more better position to give my opinion about him.
Mitch darling , doesn’t your first name start with a P and your surname an O ??
Like I told you before Mands , I don’t share informations I’m not near hundred percent certain of- publicly .
This may not apply to you , but my policies mean the world to me .
I don’t expect you to believe that , but eventually you’ll come to find out what many before you did …that I’m way more right than I’m wrong .
Do have a blessed day ?????♂️
Pink Panther
February 05, 09:47The entitlement this entire comment reeks of is just amazing. It must make you very proud of yourself, this amount of time you invest in fancying yourself an omnipotent presence in other people’s lives. I can just imagine you in some WhatsApp group exchanging gossip on people like Mitch whose only interest in you begins and ends right here on the blog.
But kudos to you and all your much more information.
February 03, 21:38As in ehn ,did u watch that part they had to shake there hips I had to do a replay to see jlo shake it. She was stiff as wood..moreso 32m views in 18hrs on YouTube all taking shakira. That’s nice. Beat Superbowl people can live to talk of..
pls who else feels shakira should do a remix of I like it with cardi b? And the transition of her songs began I like it to chantaje to hips don’t lie was wow..and waka waka at the end gave me goosebomps with that African beat..infact she touched the whole for jlo honestly didn’t knw wat she was singing was just watching her dance and her sexy male dancers..
She and shakira ain’t mate in the music world so she feels scared n intimidated by her but humble shakira doesn’t give a damn..jlo be like her mama on that stage..
February 04, 17:51Jlo had a full compression bodysuit with stockings on,its literally like an armor and there’s so much shaking your body can do in that.
Jlo’s career is just as old as shakira’s lol,anyways i thought they both did great but that’s all relative i guess.
February 04, 17:54I meant the bodysuit and stockings restricts movement
February 04, 21:45Yea they performed well at there own pace!! But shakira cow boy dress looks evem more stiff but anyway I guess is just about have a flexible body ..
February 03, 11:07This dude literally told me he worked with Shakira and Jlo and almost everything he said happened .
Welp ! I sure know how to pick them .??????
I remember during BBNaija ,I used to know the results ahead of everyone – people thought I was a wizard ???.
February 03, 17:04U better collect that number asap,70% of shakira male fans are our brothers in the ministry…and as for this year Superbowl performance is d best they NFL have recorded…shaki is real a legend ,her performing in Superbowl says it all,.twitter was on fire …those hips don’t lie!!
February 02, 11:32I heard they both get six minutes for their individual sets and there isnt any crossover performance between them, i wish shakira could have gotten beyonce and rihanna to come for her set but rihanna refuses to have anything to do with the nfl due to her support of colin kaepernick and honestly beyonce would outshine shakira
February 02, 14:14Beyonce won’t outshine her technically, but Beyonce will be the person everyone will be talking about .
I mean duh ! She’s freaking Beyonce .
Yes they’re both getting six minutes but I’m still expecting they do something together , for the culture at least.
February 02, 14:48I hope she brings out maluma out for chantaje,they have great chemistry.
February 03, 11:04True , I used to ship them sha ???
Our baby killed it !
So happy .
Couldn’t sleep last night , I was going from Instagram to Twitter , rewatching her clips over and over .??
February 03, 17:30This guy didn’t knw ure a die hard shakira fan!! Oyà let’s go and order those her customized polo n sneakers!! In between I will like to have ur IG handle…….
February 03, 17:17Don’t let Gerald hear u oo..who else thinks he is cute esp his smiles!!
February 03, 17:15Beyounce can’t outshine her cos shakira knows her onions wen it comes to live stage performance .she doesn’t need dancers to handle the stage if she wants to. the only thing about the two is cos is Beyonce the drama Queen of the class and shakira the quiet smart lady in d class!!
February 02, 17:13“As I tucked the notes he gave me into my pocket, I also wondered if I would ever get the chance to play with that perfect-looking bubble butt of his”
But you had a very good opportunity to show him how it’s done before he headed out to experiment. But you didn’t. Which other opportunities are you looking for to touch his body? When he wanted a coach on how gay sex is done. That’s when you should have educated him practically na. I even thought the Oil you went to bring was for you to give him a hand job, you now came up with spirituality crap???????????
February 03, 10:55Lol, sweetie .
This is reality , things don’t just happen like that.
Besides he thinks I’m straight , what excuse will I use to start giving him a hand job ??♂️
February 02, 19:10Lol, Higwe! You have a lot of interesting stories to tell. I’m always looking forward to your content. You are Living!!!
February 03, 11:02Lol …very false .
I just pick the interesting parts .
I’m actually a pretty boring person in reality.
I could be in the house with you for 24 hours and we might only say hello once. ??
People sometimes wonder if I’m mute ?? ,but once I get comfortable with someone , my interesting side comes out.
I heard it’s a virgo thing sha .?
February 03, 17:50Please send Deji’s number to me, thats all i know
February 03, 22:44?????????
Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha lol
February 03, 18:57One question Higwe.
Are you a nudist? @ Prancing about naked.
You’re an interesting 6ft5inches individual and that’s a nice write up you got there.
I quite remember in one of your earliest comments on the platform you said your command over the English language wasn’t up to standard, boy you lied. Lol
All in all keep up with the good stories, pretty sure you’ve got a dozen or more notorious ones under your sleeve.
February 03, 22:44More of an exhibitionist actually .??
I wouldn’t say I’m a nudist .
Thank you for the compliment , I still make errors from time to time when I’m not overtly conscious but my English is getting better thankfully.
Broken french was the first foreign language I learnt because I grew up in equatorial Guinea . I started learning English and Igbo as a teen .
Now I’m fluent in Yoruba , Igbo , English and a poor but passable french.
February 04, 22:32Exhibitionist is welcomed as well lol.
And you’re welcome man.
Yeah I do recall all this elaboration you’ve made concerning your multi lingual abilities, quite admirable. ?
Keep the stories flowing Higwe.
February 06, 01:46” I threw on my Aireyys T-shirt which I ordered from Mike Edward’s website”
SmH!!! Onye julu gi?
February 08, 15:32As expected when I saw 54 comments, I knew people had deviated from the subject matter of the post ??♂️??♂️