We Are Rainbows. We Are Beautiful
There’s a world out there
One which we desperately weave ourselves to be part of
A world blinded to our difference
Rocking ourselves hard to be its missing puzzles
Beating our desires into dark rooms
A little less me, a little less you
So we can be a part of who they are
We forget that they cloth us with shame
Telling our stories under the gloom of an abomination
Never spinning plots with us as the heroes
Eager for moments to cast shadows on our multicoloured brightness
We forget how they hover, an overhanging threat
Causing us to stay looking back and over our shoulders
A reaction to the fear of being caught out in our moments of vulnerability
Our celebration of love, those shows of affection, banished behind closed doors
Why can’t home be home for everyone?
The pain that eats away at us
The need we carry to be understood
The approval we seek from they that surround us
The crystals breaking tear ducts at night
Pooling upon our pillows
Choking through our throats
No comfort in sight, recrimination all around
Be normal! They cry out in high pitched voices.
Beating at us with their religious texts of the creation of man and woman
Eschewing the reality of how normal we are outside their closed minds
How normal yet how so different
A beauty we shall own like no-man’s-goddamn-fucking-business
We are rainbows
A radiance of diverse colours
We are the future
One those who live in it will come to reckon with
We are blessed
Branching out from the plenty nourishing within us
We are the Phoenix
Burnt by pain, yet rising from the ashes of our predicaments to bloom with love
We are beautiful
Made whole and flawed, but just right – exactly the way we are.
Written by Sauce Button
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Shoot me, I’m gay. Hunt me down, I am an animal. A bit queer is all I am but hey That’s enough reason to make it a murder day. *
When you warmed up to the spotlighted attention, I paid your way welcomed in my gestures for friendship. To my chagrin You stayed longer than expected For many took a
It’s always been a fascination I’ve never lacked for motivation Always finding the inspiration A wonderful form of relaxation Much more fun than meditation Starting with some stimulation You get
September 06, 23:32…We are blessed
We are beautiful….
And might I add that the ‘G’ in GAY stands for Genius.
So my friends, lets work to realize our geniuses!
Well done Sauce Button!
September 11, 15:08Nice
September 11, 15:17True
September 24, 01:36Beautiful words