

Shoot me, I’m gay.

Hunt me down, I am an animal.

A bit queer is all I am but hey

That’s enough reason to make it a murder day.


Black and gay

I’m the perfect sport.

No need to wait for hunting season.

The chase has already begun.


What happened to the constitution?

What happened to fundamental human rights?

Oh my bad! It slipped my mind

I am not human. At least not to them.


“You’re not wanted and you’re barely tolerated!”

Okay, point understood. Let me blend into society.

I promise to walk only with my kind.

Oh no, I forget I have a contagious disease.

 I must be locked up in a place made for murderers.


I walk this life with my head down

My pride battered, my existence threatened,

My future predestined, my eternity damned.

Despised and rejected, all for a love I cannot control.


It’s Mother Nature’s fault

But I pay the toll

All I ask is leave me to go with flow

And live my life as nothing but the protagonist of the day

I need to stop crying because I’m gay

Please keep this hate to the bay.


How many more dead queers will we lay?

Written by iAmNotAPerv

Previous Asexuals Demand More Visibility
Next With A Little Frosting On The Candy (Part 2)

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  1. Mr. Fingers
    September 24, 07:55 Reply

    how many more dead queers will we lay?

    Good question. Thoughts to ponder over for the day.

    • iAmNotAPerv
      September 24, 11:33 Reply

      I’m sorry if i have brought gloom to your saturday. *offers you peace offering of coldstone ice cream, three pizza slices and one cute man*

  2. Mandy
    September 24, 08:08 Reply

    Shoot me, I’m gay.
    Hunt me down, I am an animal.

    Perfect summary of the dangerous homophobic nature of this country. I watched a video today of some men who had entrapped a guy who came for a hookup dressed like a girl, with makeup and weave-on and skimpy dress. everything on fleek. Evidently a trans girl. They videoed themselves humiliating this guy with questions and slaps. It was just saddening.

    The day I pray for will come to Nigeria, whether we like it or not. Equality will be ours. Thanks for this iamnotaperv

    • iAmNotAPerv
      September 24, 11:31 Reply

      @Mandy This is a really sad thing to hear about. At this point all i am begging for is live and let live. How would they feel if we setup a straight man, took him and started beating him? I honestly anticipate the day that 14 years law will be taken down. i anticipate the day that i won’t mentally add 14 years to my current age to see when i’ll get out of jail because i am in love with the same sex.
      Thank you for reading this

    • iAmNotAPerv
      September 24, 11:34 Reply

      Aye! One day we won’t have to say this anymore because we will be free

  3. Delle
    September 24, 10:40 Reply

    Totally beautiful. Message well received.
    Thanks love.

    • iAmNotAPerv
      September 24, 11:36 Reply

      Thank you Delle. *blushes* I’m glad you enjoyed this piece. It’s more of a rant than poetry really

  4. oys
    September 26, 13:14 Reply

    This is so touching…Thank you!

    • iAmNotAPerv
      September 26, 21:43 Reply

      No, thank you. I am always glad when my words reach home

  5. Ben
    December 28, 20:38 Reply

    What a beautiful piece.. well done!

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