15 Celebrities Who Are Admittedly Bisexual

15 Celebrities Who Are Admittedly Bisexual

Sexuality can be somewhat of a sensitive topic depending on who you’re asking, where that person is in their lives, etc., etc. Some people consider that personal and private, while others are completely forthcoming. Below are some of the celebrities who are open and forthcoming about their bisexuality.

Bi Cameron Diaz 04Cameron Diaz

On Andy Cohen’s “Watch What Happens Live”, when asked if she’d ever been with a woman, the Bad Teacher star said, “Yes, I have been with a lady…You didn’t ask explicitly how I was with a lady, but I have been with a lady. We are who we are. We all know what drives us. Sexuality and love can be different things. I can be attracted to a woman sexually, but it doesn’t mean I want to be in love with a woman. If I’m going to be with a woman sexually, it doesn’t mean I’m a lesbian. We put these restraints and definitions on people, but it’s hard to define.”

Bi Clive DavisClive Davis

Music producer Clive Davis shocked more than a few people when, at 80 years old, he revealed his bisexuality in his memoir, The Soundtrack of My Life. He’d been married to two women before saying, “For over 50 years, I never had sex with a male. I wasn’t repressed. I had very good sexual relationships with women.” Clive says he’s been in a relationship with one man for 7 years and for 13 years before that, he was involved with a male doctor.

Bi Michelle RodriguezMichelle Rodriguez

Fast & Furious franchise star Michelle Rodriguez is no stranger to doing things her way. Her bad girl image is not just on the silver screen. When asked about her bisexuality, she said, “I’ve gone both ways. I do as I please. I am too fucking curious to sit here and not try when I can. Men are intriguing. So are chicks.”

Bi Megan FoxMegan Fox

Megan Fox was married to Beverly Hills 90210 star Brian Austin Green and the beautiful couple have 2 sons. Megan has been very open about her sexual life. Despite her image and people assuming she’s super-sexual, Megan says she’s only slept with two men in her life, one being her high school sweetheart and her ex-husband Brian. Megan said she’s never been even close to having a one night stand. However, she has admitted to being in love with a female stripper and says, “All humans are born with the ability to be attracted to both sexes.”

Bi David BowieDavid Bowie

David Bowie has been settled with his wife, supermodel Iman for years now (30 years to be exact). But before his marriage to her, rumors of his sexuality flew rampant. In the book, The Biography: Bowie, by Wendy Leigh, she explores the idea that David was a sex addict, having plenty of sex with both men and women. In the book, she says Mick Jagger’s ex-wife Bianca swears she caught him naked in bed with David. Things that make you go mmhmm.

Bi MadonnaMadonna

The Material Girl is the queen of living life by her own terms. In 1991, she told The Advocate, “I think everybody has a bisexual nature. That’s my theory. I could be wrong.” Model Jenny Shizmu claims she dated Angelina Jolie and Madonna at the same time. She also said she felt she was Madonna’s sex slave/booty call. Madonna says, “I think gay women claim me as their own because I am a really strong woman. I am assertive in a way a lot of gay women are, and I could be a really good mascot for them or spokesperson or something.”

Bi Angelina Jolie 02Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie was known for her share of wild stunts before she settled down and married husband Brad Pitt. She wore a necklace containing her former husband’s blood, has tattoos everywhere, had people wondering about the relationship between her and her brother, and is admittedly bisexual. Like Madonna, she dated model Jenny Shimizu, but she did not treat her like a sex slave. In fact, she says, “I probably would have married Jenny if I hadn’t married my husband. I fell in love with her the first time I saw her.”

Bi Anna PaquinAnna Paquin

Anna Paquin, TV and movie star, wife, mom, and advocate for The True Colors Fund, came out as bisexual saying, “I’m Anna Paquin. I’m bisexual and I give a damn.” When asked about her participation in the video, she said, “It wasn’t like it was a big secret, it was just a cause I cared about and privately supported, but not one that I had ever had an opportunity to speak out about in a way that would be useful. Obviously I know that one person’s voice doesn’t necessarily do that much, but I just wanted to do my bit.”

Bi Lady Gaga 07Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga has been very candid from the beginning of her career. In her 2009 interview with Barbara Walters, she spoke about her bisexuality, but many people dismissed it as probably a publicity stunt. She followed up by saying, “You know what? It’s not a lie that I am bisexual and I like women, and anyone that wants to twist this into ‘she says she’s bisexual for marketing,’ this is a fucking lie. This is who I am and who I have always been.”

Bi Andy DickAndy Dick

Andy Dick has been open about his personal struggles, including alcoholism and his troubles with the law for a DUI for marijuana possession. He calls himself a trisexual, saying, “I’ll try anything, I really have tried everything, except with animals. There’s only room for one animal – that would be me.”

Bi Raven SymoneRaven Symone

Raven Symone has practically grown up in front of our eyes. Little Olivia from The Cosby Show has grown into her own woman. A woman who refuses to label herself. She says she’s not “African-American.” She’s an American. So knowing she doesn’t particularly care for labeling herself, her sexuality has never really been confirmed. But when gay marriage became legalized in the US, she tweeted, “I am very happy that gay marriage is opening up around the country and is being accepted. I was excited to hear today that more states legalized gay marriage. I however am not currently getting married, but it is great to know I can now, should I wish to.” She says she’s a human who loves humans.

Bi Drew Barrymore 03Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore has had her fair share of troubles and wildness in the past, but has straightened out (no pun intended) in recent years. One reason she’s been able to be so successful and an inspiration to so many is because of how open she’s always been not only about her past, but her experiences in a general sense. She once said, “Do I like women sexually? Yeah, I do. Totally. I have always considered myself bisexual.” And then in 2004, she was quoted as saying, “A woman and a woman together are beautiful, just as a man and a woman together are beautiful. Being with a woman is like exploring your own body, but through someone else. When I was younger, I used to go with lots of women. Totally. I loved it.”

Bi Alan CummingsAlan Cummings

Alan Cummings was once married to a woman, but he is now married to a man and considers himself bisexual. Check this out though: The Good Wife star married the same man twice, once in 2007 and again in 2012. He says, “I see a worrying trend among LGBT people, that if you identify yourself in just one way, you close yourself off to other experiences. My sexuality has never been black and white; it’s always been gray. I’m with a man, but I haven’t closed myself off to the fact that I’m still sexually attracted to women.” He goes on to say, “It matter if you’re married or not, or having sex with anyone or not. There are straight couples who don’t have sex. There are gay people who don’t have sex. But if you’re sexually attracted to both sexes, you’re bisexual.”

Christina AguileraChristina Aguilera

Over the years Christina Aguilera has made statements about her sexuality, leaving many to wonder about it. In 2004, she said, “Two women are way sexier than two men in bed. We have a better feel for our bodies. I love experimenting with my sexuality. Sex is a beautiful thing. I like having sex. It’s fun.” In 2010, she said, “I love experimenting with my sexuality. If that means girls, then so be it. It would be wrong to hide this side of my personality.”

Bi Marlon BrandoMarlon Brando

Hailed one of the greatest and most influential actors of all time, Marlon Brando is a Hollywood icon. What many never knew about him though is that he was bisexual. But it shouldn’t be much of a shock as he admitted it, saying, “Like a large number of men, I, too, have had homosexual experiences and I am not ashamed…I have never paid much attention to what people think about me.”

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  1. Mandy
    November 28, 07:11 Reply

    I think this bisexuality issue is easier on women than on men. Women are viewed with more indulgence when they switch tracks from gay to straight and back. But with men, once you’re on the gay lane, it gets hard for society to see you as anything else but gay even when you switch over to the straight lane of your bisexuality.

    • Pink Panther
      November 28, 07:12 Reply

      Even most KDians are not lenient with men who are gay and then straight, and you’re talking of society. lol. There’s such a dismissiveness for bisexuality that thrives even in the LGBT community.

      • Max
        November 28, 11:53 Reply

        Yes @PP and we all know why

        • Pink Panther
          November 28, 16:03 Reply

          We do? I don’t know why o. Care to enlighten me?

      • Keredim
        November 28, 12:32 Reply

        @PP stirring up the hornet’s nest since 1985?

        Most KDians are cynical about bisexuality because of their own experiences, the environment we live in and the nature of our people.

        Bisexuality is more believable in the west than it is in most parts of Africa, especially obodo Nigeria?


  2. Dick Advocate
    November 28, 07:22 Reply

    Being bisexual is not a choice as being gay isn’t a choice either. People need to understand the intricacies involved.

    I wish Nigerians who are bisexual can come out and say so. For example people like Genivieve Nnaji, Stella Damascus, Tuface idibia, Rita Dominic etc it will go along way in liberating Nigerians thinking faculty towards Same sex issues.

    • Pink Panther
      November 28, 07:29 Reply

      Werreminute, lol, these names you called are all CERTIFIED bisexuals?

      • #Chestnut
        November 28, 07:58 Reply

        Hahaha…PP, amebo! Na from person mouth u wan hear say…*ahem* (but really though, Tuface? Really? Hmm).

        @topic: Michelle Rodrigez implies her sexuality is borne out of curiosity,and not exactly congenital…hmmm.
        Raven Symone be serving “walking dead” tease in that pix,lol. Btw,I thought she was a lesbian?
        And Cameron Diaz? Hearing abt that one for the first time!
        I was gonna be mad at Christina Aguilera when she said two women in bed is sexier than two men in bed (to her), but then I remembered that two men in bed is sexier than two women in bed,to me,so, carry on Ms Aguilera!
        Honestly though,I still think some of these women say these things flippantly to increase their mystique in the public eye. I believe Madonna, Angelina, Michelle,Raven, but all the others? well,experimenting with another woman once or twice in your youth,doesn’t exactly make u bisexual.

        • Mandy
          November 28, 09:41 Reply

          Uh, Chestnut, I think Anna Paquin is legit bi too

        • Max
          November 28, 11:57 Reply

          Raven is a certified lesbian Na. I think some of these people confuse having sex with the opposite sex with bisexuality. It’s not about who you have sex with, it’s about who you’re attracted to.

        • Curry
          August 12, 00:46 Reply

          Really Cameron Diaz, anglina joule and christiana aglaira

    • KingBey
      November 29, 09:39 Reply

      Chineke onye ebere ! How will you know they are all Bisexuals?

  3. sage
    November 28, 07:59 Reply

    Sure they are all bisexuals

  4. Absalom
    November 28, 08:13 Reply

    When is Tom Hardy’s name updating this list?

    Is there still hope? Should we give up and let him go? 🙁

  5. Chizzie
    November 28, 08:45 Reply

    But what I don’t get about these stars who claim they are bisexual is that we hardly ever see them dating or even PDA-ing with people of the same sex. I mean Lady Gaga for example, she’s claims she’s bi but who is she kidding here. Azealia banks also claims she’s bi but is arguably the most homophobic person on the planet… Sia is also reportedly bi. The list is endless

    I think its all part of their contract or whatever, to appease both parties and again its patronizing gay people

    • Mandy
      November 28, 09:43 Reply

      For most of them self-professed bi celebs, I agree with you.

    • Max
      November 28, 12:02 Reply

      Its true, not just about the PDA. I’ve never seen a bi marry a person of the same sex. Except once. I think the whole point of bi should be the ability to settle down with someone of either sex, but 99.999% of the time, they still go with the opposite sex. It makes their whole claim of bisexuality seem like a sham.

  6. bashir
    November 28, 11:41 Reply

    Drew and christina???? Hummmm wow!

  7. Annie
    November 06, 21:37 Reply

    I think only they can decide if they are bisexual or not it’s not for us to decide, everyone has their own opinion of their sexuality and that’s how it should be

  8. Curry
    August 12, 00:49 Reply

    Really Cameron Diaz she never said that and also she only dated man and liked man so she is straight and also married to a guy same as anglina and Christian , Madonna sure

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