Tag "Anna Paquin"

The Happenings 21 Comments

15 Celebrities Who Are Admittedly Bisexual

Sexuality can be somewhat of a sensitive topic depending on who you’re asking, where that person is in their lives, etc., etc. Some people consider that personal and private, while

The Happenings 48 Comments

Daniel Radcliffe thinks Gay Sex is Painful, Plus Other Behind-The-Sex-Scenes Revelations

On-screen sex can be all sorts of hot, even though most of what we see on TV and in film is of the heterosexual variety. There’s a craft involved in

The Happenings 0 Comments

‘Bisexuality and Monogamy Aren’t “Mutually Exclusive”.’ – Anna Paquin

True Blood star, Anna Paquin came out as bisexual in 2010 and is crusading against the crude stereotypes about those who identify as bisexual – or gay, lesbian, transgender, or

The Happenings 21 Comments

‘I’m Proud to Be a Happily Married Bisexual Mother.’ – Anna Paquin

The final, seventh season of True Blood kicks off later this month on HBO, but in the meantime, series star Anna Paquin has other things to celebrate — including LGBT