A Very Short Story

A Very Short Story

This is a very short story of nonfiction by Bain.


So, this Lady be shining greenlight my way since November, and I’ve been swerving left, swerving right. Finally decided to end this shit and push her away.

And voila!

(By the way, she thought I was totally straight before now. I didn’t create that impression).

Previous A Date With Macho Man

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  1. Mandy
    January 19, 05:22 Reply

    ??????? What is worrying this woman no dey market.

  2. quinn
    January 19, 06:35 Reply

    Is this desperation? No, I think not. I think she’s very brave to speak so freely about what she thinks of you but damn, never saw that reply coming.

  3. KryxxX
    January 19, 07:53 Reply

    That reply had me picking up my jaw from the floor. Wtf!!!!!! ?????

    #Shook ?

    This sort of open-mindedness shaa ……

    Shocking(if you are a Nigerian living in Nigeria) and………….what we should all aspire to(not just in the sex/sexuality aspect tho but all spheres of life).

  4. bulktym
    January 19, 08:13 Reply

    Fuck, the shortest write-up ever, looks like my dick size in a written format..

  5. Malik
    January 19, 10:20 Reply

    I swear, I like the girl. We are shooting our shots this year.

  6. Delle
    January 19, 10:32 Reply

    The woman just shared Bain like some commodity.
    Give me dick, give them ass.

    Otan! ?

    • Q-Mara
      January 20, 07:53 Reply

      Exactly my thoughts Delle, like two sides of a sausage…. ??

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