Amy Schumer’s Parody of Beyoncé’s ‘Formation’ Pissed Off a Lot of People

Amy Schumer’s Parody of Beyoncé’s ‘Formation’ Pissed Off a Lot of People

Amy Schumer took to Instagram on Monday, October 24, to respond to the harsh backlash she received for her parody of Beyoncé’s “Formation” music video.

“You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation. Thanks for the exclusive release Tidal!” she wrote alongside a black-and-white photo of herself lying topless in bed. “We had so much fun making this tribute. All love and women inspiring each other. #strongertogether.”

In case you missed it, Schumer parodied Beyoncé’s “Formation” music video, and many pissed-off social media users accused the comedian of being racist after seeing the clip.

In the video above, which was released on Tidal Friday, October 21, the Trainwreck actress, 35, is joined by her Mother/Daughter co-stars Goldie Hawn and Wanda Sykes, as well as other celebrities such as Joan Cusack. The ladies show off some interesting dance moves — which some outlets have labeled “impressive” — and writhe around in a variety of ensembles ranging from dirty slip dresses to bulletproof vests.

Though several women of color participated in the video, the internet still found Schumer’s interpretation of Queen Bey’s anthem — meant to celebrate being a black woman — inappropriate. Many tweeters protested the video by sharing messages with the #AmySchumerGottaGoParty hashtag.

“That video wasn’t a parody. Parodies are funny. That video was just more of her showing her s–t racist personality #AmySchumerGottaGoParty,” one fumed, while another wrote: “I’m coming to the #AmySchumerGottaGoParty but I’m a sit in the corner and glare at Jay-Z for putting that s–t on Tidal.”

Aside from Twitter’s collective disappointment in Schumer’s latest project, a few tweeters pointed out that her “Formation” mimicry was released on Tidal, which Bey’s husband, Jay Z, has partial ownership of, so one can assume that at least one half of the power couple gave it the greenlight.

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  1. shuga chocolata
    October 25, 06:33 Reply

    All them beyhive should free amy jare.
    I haven’t heard that song nor have I seen the formation video, but I must confess amy wasn’t funny to me when I saw it.

    • Francis
      October 25, 08:16 Reply

      True that. It wasn’t funny and it looked like the white trash version of Formation. Wish they had gone with an white cast sha. Like they threw in blacks to avoid chants of racism but still e no work.

      Black comedians make fun of white people, no outrage. White comedians make fun of black folks, MASSIVE outrage. Sometimes it feels really good to be born and raised in Africa. It must really suck to go about life seeing racism in literally everything.

      • Keredim
        October 25, 08:39 Reply

        Sometimes it feels really good to be born and raised in Africa. It must really suck to go about life seeing racism in literally everything.

        Has Tribalism been eradicated in Africa?

        • Francis
          October 25, 08:41 Reply

          It hasn’t but you don’t see us throwing ridiculous tantrums about it

          • Mandy
            October 25, 11:17 Reply

            We do. The world just doesn’t give our tantrums as much notice as it gives that of the Black Americans.

            • Francis
              October 25, 14:20 Reply

              Last I checked comedians make fun of the stereotypes in all naija tribes and no one makes noise about it as we know it’s all banter. We all laugh and move on

              • Keredim
                October 25, 18:47 Reply

                No problem.

                Go and “bantz” about a stereotypical Hausa emir, in front of a stereotypical Hausa audience, in a stereotypical Hausa city and let us know how you get on.


                • Francis
                  October 25, 20:13 Reply

                  ???? Na wa for you oh. Must you reach for the extreme? That’s my job ???

          • keredim
            October 25, 13:07 Reply

            You are right.

            We fight wars instead.

  2. #Chestnut
    October 25, 07:38 Reply

    comedians make parodies of music videos all the time, whether the artiste is black or white. I know racism is still very real, but should EVERY act be attributed to it? are white comedians who make parodies of white artistes, racist as well? ppl are way too fake-sensitive these days.

  3. Mandy
    October 25, 11:19 Reply

    Whenever this issue of black outrage comes up, I tend to take a seat. I’d like to say that Black Americans are being too sensitive all the time, but the truth is, I don’t know what it feels like to be a Black American, living in a country where you exist as though you’re an apology. I don’t know their story so I can’t tell them to shut up about it.

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