I do not like labels. But I’m what one might call a bisexual woman.

Let’s just get that out of the way, shall we?

I think I’ve always known that I like women and men.

Not in the greedy way that the world would like you to believe of bisexuals, but in an honest I-really-like-both-of-you way. I think it stems from the fact that I enjoy people’s company. I see the empathy and humanity in another person, whether gay, straight, monogamous, polyamorous.

I hate labels honestly. They make me cringe, but if I had to pick one, I’d go with “human being.”

I feel. I breathe. I’m sensitive to all lives around me. That’s my story and who I love and why I love them is a sum total of who I am.

Nigeria is one of the hardest places in the world to be yourself. But it’s also one of the best places to learn courage, to teach yourself how to speak only when necessary and how to carry others without forgetting yourself. These have been my lessons.

Sometimes I’m angry that I can’t just tell everyone today that I love a woman or whisper that my ex-boyfriend might still be one of my favorite people.

Being gay is scary. Sometimes you doubt your reality but it doesn’t change it.

There’s still a lot happening, but I’m very comfortable with where I’m at, and I won’t stop feeling this way.

Why would I? I just said it’s the sum total of who I am, didn’t I? Take that away and what about me do you see, would you know?

Written by Zee

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  1. dale
    January 31, 09:55 Reply

    “I hate labels,if am to choose,I will go for human being” now here is a are human and nothing else

  2. quinn
    February 01, 10:18 Reply

    Yet when that famous designer recently said he didn’t want to be labelled as Gay but as a man, we all berated him. Why won’t you want to be labelled as Gay? Are you ashamed?

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