Morning Humour XIV
LMAO! Those expressions in the picture kill me every time. This is a response bottoms so don’t wanna hear from a guy they’re just starting to like.
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To be in a place where other eyes can see and never be able to own your love the way you want to.
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All I did was send this Beyoncé picture to a friend and KDian, hoping for a meme to instagram. And he sent it back like so. LOL! Some people are
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Awww, the blushing grooms. #OkBye Happy Gubernatorial Election Voting, guys. Stay Safe. Vote Wisely. And always bear in mind that it’s One Nigeria.
March 03, 05:08LOL. I’m up early though.
March 03, 05:31That’s when he says he’s a strict Top to me……*crashed hopes*
March 03, 05:34LOL!!!
March 03, 06:49Same Here @Bey
March 03, 10:48oh, Max isn’t a bottom? Call the Ministry
March 03, 15:51@Chuck, I’m not anything.. I’m neither this nor that..
March 03, 05:35Hell no! Cute guy? You must learn to top oh *in Ebube Nwagbo’s voice*
Dennis Macauley
March 03, 05:39Hilarious!
Roles tho
March 03, 05:40*smiles*
March 03, 05:51Your role isn’t set in stone and diamond, please.
It is a preference.
March 03, 06:01And he who prefers one to the other, isn’t that set in stone and diamond?
March 03, 06:11What I mean is that there is no rule against trying out another role even if it is just temporarily. If u see a guy u like and would really love to get down with, and he is apparently the same role as u are, u can try out the alternate role na.
Well, I better shut up. What do I know?
Dennis Macauley
March 03, 06:17Samurai i have had this battle with PP before and I lost. You wont win, just let it rest!
March 03, 06:23I beg your pardon?
March 03, 06:49Lol. PP we have no pardon to give you. So stop begging.
March 03, 06:51What battle? And he won??
Mbanu.. Not with me. I’m looking for a fight PP…
Roles are rubbish!!
Just another categorization used to put gay ppl in a box.
March 03, 07:22Some people just want what they want without their preferences getting politicized.
March 03, 08:00It still shouldn’t be that way.
How do you cum? Be honest
March 03, 08:19Dennis and Samurai, you guys will never understand it, will you. *playing with stubble* Sigh.
March 03, 10:14@Max With a strong firm dick in my arse, thats how. Changing roles because u like persona or face??? Biko, my D surprisingly has a mind of its own. It won’t get up if it thinks its going in somewhere not my fist. The roles are cast in concrete abeg
March 03, 12:14I wonder oooo…..people be turning simple English upside down.
March 03, 06:10Hahahahaaa, mine is d reverse.
March 03, 06:19Hahaha. That’s not my expression. Btw I think almost everyone on grindr is top. Sure there are the bottoms who say so in their profiles but where them vers guys at. I don taya.
March 03, 06:23Seen
March 03, 06:50Versatility is peak. No?
March 03, 07:10Peak? Really? Interesting
March 03, 07:43Its not right tho. Especially all those Macho Marys. While not being ‘sexist’ and all, I really think bottoms shud be barred from the GYM. Hian!!! Lemme know who is on the menu abeg
March 03, 08:44Hahahahaa. Trystham your own bad ghan
March 03, 10:51What about tops that prefer muscular bottoms? Anyway you’re probably homophobic yourself, with your prescriptions about how others should live
March 03, 07:50And Tops should sign up, yea? Trystham. The Afo beer, fats & oil. They should. They ought to.
March 03, 09:17UKD!!!
March 03, 08:09And the tops should hit d gym abi? Seriously?! And I end up chubby or even worst, fat an gross! Hell no!! Hell to the NO! I workout, not for anybody but for me and it doesn’t and shouldn’t affect my preference! Moreover, ppl still like them toned/firm!
March 03, 09:15Take ur fitness programme OUT of the gym, and stay FIT and trim not muscled and ripped.
Thats how u wee see one perfectly ripped and muscled brother that wee be asking for prick like Aunt Ada. Abeg o. There’s enough confusion in the world already.
March 03, 12:21Lwkmd ! Seems you have had so many experiences with Macho Mary’s……Am yet to see one though. Every guy with a lil bit of muscle I have seen in this Lagos is “Top”…….and me love muscled Cakes ! Well, I will keep searching for that Macho Mary.
March 03, 14:10Oh well! Maybe I should just stick to my cardio, squats, pile, donkey kicks, side raise nd lunges so as to achieve a Mama bukky kind of ikebe super while my other body parts lies fallow abi?
Toned and ripped is just a body type preference! I shouldn’t be judged on how I choose to look just bcos it doesn’t “match” how some ppl think I should look based on preference in d bedroom!
Dennis Macauley
March 03, 09:25The stereotypes that we perpetuate sef ***sigh***
Bottoms dont belong in the gym? Let me assume that was tongue-in-cheek and refrain from saying anything.
Max and Samurai care for lunch? My treat
March 03, 09:51Yeah.. Sure.. Add Peak to the invite..
March 03, 11:37***Rolls eyes** … The great complex of roles – the Roley-plex of the gaybourhood … If you both like each other, do whatever it takes to make sure the sex is fun – whether you can or want to top or bottom is immaterial, the end (sexual satisfaction) should justify the means in this regard …
March 03, 15:26Yes of course. The three kisses that Michelle Williams will always give Beyonce.