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Gallery 26 Comments


Being fabulous is not a day’s job. 😀

Gallery 21 Comments

Photos: Gay Art

As usual, I was perusing twitter, and I happened upon these pieces of gay art that I would love to share with y’all. I mean, it’s porn, but without the

Gallery 29 Comments

Man Crush Monday: Ryan Gentles

Queer Mike woke me up by 2am in the morning to tell me about this hot Jamaican model. He had finally found his man crush, and I had to be


  1. ambivalentone
    August 06, 04:49 Reply

    This one has taken courses at UKD o. All he’s got left to do is just give his pseudonym here

  2. Dimkpa
    August 06, 06:11 Reply

    Lol @ UKD…Im no waste im school fees.

    • Pink Panther
      August 06, 06:14 Reply

      ????? Wait, I just got it. UKD being University of Kito Diaries???

  3. Johnny
    August 06, 07:09 Reply

    lmao. I want to apply. BTW panther how can i send a write up?

  4. Jo
    August 06, 09:36 Reply

    ‘Straight acting’ is a derogatory term…I agree. You’d be amazed at the stupid lists guys put up on their wall…’be straight acting, Buffy, wide lips bla bla bla

  5. Handle
    August 06, 10:06 Reply

    What is the best way to describe a gay man that is no different from a straight man?

    • ambivalentone
      August 06, 19:12 Reply

      ‘no different’. That phrase negates everything, every other thing u said

      • Handle
        August 06, 20:51 Reply

        I don’t think so. There are two factors here.

        #1. Everyone is uniquely different from the person next to them based on experiences(a number of key and non key factors)

        #2. Identity is a social and historical constructed concept. In this context, my sexuality is miniscule part of who i am not the whole. E.g Apart from 1#, the only real difference BTW me and my brother when it comes to identity is that I’m sexually attracted to men and he wasn’t. Meaning, I’m indistinguishable from my “straight brother” as a “gay man” when you take out who we choose to love or have sex with.

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