Phyno Reacts To ThatGayPhoto Of Him And KCee

Phyno Reacts To ThatGayPhoto Of Him And KCee

So the above picture is that of Phyno and KCee at the 2014 MTV MAMA Nominees party. From where I am sitting the picture looks like the two artistes are about to share a kiss; perhaps it is (lol), but perhaps it is nothing more than a bad camera angle.

And we live in the internet age, and so the picture has now gone viral leading to all sorts of assumptions.

And reacting to these assumptions, Phyno has addressed the issue on twitter. The rapper wrote in Igbo “Inooru uwa gi , ha release eru gi sextape” which means “you’re minding your business and then they release a sextape for you.” He also blamed the bad picture on the camera angle.

See the rest of his tweets after the jump.

phyAt least he sees the humour in it…

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  1. lluvmua
    May 14, 08:56 Reply

    Lol I fink kcee is gay. But as 4 phyno *comments reserved* lol . They look good a couple though

    • pinkpanthertb
      May 14, 09:06 Reply

      Ok. its good you said you think Kcee is gay. everybody I know seems to think so.

  2. earl.
    May 14, 10:22 Reply

    Buh…. Kcee is married, isn’t he..?

  3. CeeCee
    May 14, 10:31 Reply

    Aww … 2 gorgeous men! They’d make such a cute couple, I have heard from several diverse sources that Kcee is gay, well… well …
    But knowing the kind of country we live in, there’s no way on earth they’d make it so public assuming they were fucking. The camera man just got a lu lucky angle!!

  4. tikky20
    May 14, 10:47 Reply

    And here I was thinking I’ve been the only person who thinks Kaycee got some sugar in his tanks… Cool pic tho

  5. KingBey
    May 14, 12:57 Reply

    Aren’t they all G A Y ? *Rolls eyes*

  6. mirage
    May 14, 21:24 Reply

    Kaycee I would pass but phyno?*haults*damn that tatooed arm,dude pour me some sugar!!!*faints*

  7. kendigin
    May 15, 07:44 Reply

    Hahaha….soooo GAY!
    Me I’ve always known KCEE was gay. Bt if phyno is his lover, that’s it cool. They look cute together tho.
    Great couple, Wrong country!

  8. Sojiment
    May 15, 10:58 Reply

    My gay brother, KCee, is not even saying anything..

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