Porn star Manuel Skye reveals that he was threatened with exposure of his nudes

Porn star Manuel Skye reveals that he was threatened with exposure of his nudes

Gay adult film performer, Manuel Skye recently took to twitter to reveal that someone had come to his inbox to blackmail him. It seems this person wanted Skye to cater to his demands otherwise, he would post his nude photos on the internet.

“Hahaha so I’m being blackmailed by a random dude who threats to publish my nudes,” the porn star tweeted. “Where have you been Kevin after 200 movies & 1k Onlyfans? But seriously, that’s so sick though. How should I tell him to find the light & fuck off?”

Attached to the tweet were screenshots, the first the message this person, Kevin Moreno Martinez, sent to him and the second of a Google image search of the porn star which shows pictures of Skye in all of his naked glory.

In the first screenshot, Kevin appears to be asking Skye to send him videos of him erotic-dancing and photos with his penis in them. “I will publish your photos in the newspapers,” he threatens in the message. “You [have till] tomorrow to make the videos. If you don’t, you already know what’s up.”

It is unknown how this person came across Skye’s nude photos without Googling him to know his profession or how he was able to find his way to Skye’s Twitter Direct Message without investigating his timeline to see just how out there the porn star is already with his naked photos and videos. For blackmail to work, doesn’t there have to be something your target stands to lose?

Skye’s fans were of course taken in by the hilarity of someone attempting to blackmail a porn star with his nudes, with someone tweeting in response: “Thank him for free publicity.” And another saying, “Who reads newspapers anymore?” A third tweeted, “I’d like to speak to his manager.” (Because, of course, someone has to report him to his boss for his lack of research before embarking on this pitiful blackmail scheme)

Another performer shared that he too faced the same situation. “Yup, was blackmailed about showing my nudes online too… I was like… Google me, bitch.”

Another fan pointed out a more troubling reality of blackmail and the threat of revenge porn being something that Kevin does to people: “Sounds like good publicity to me!!! But yea I’m sure he does this to people who don’t want their stuff out too, if he even has anything.”

Seeing as all Kevin wants is to feast his eyes on Skye’s naked performance, Skye should send him a link to his OnlyFans account with a suggestion for him to subscribe.

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  1. Rudy
    December 23, 12:46 Reply

    Is the blackmailer retarded?
    Certainly a preschooler could have written better grammar than this. And who threatens a Porn star with the exposure of their nudes?

    Indeed, “Nothing musa no go see for gate front”….

  2. Mikkiyfab
    December 23, 14:16 Reply

    In my mind I am like *bitch this is my fucking life and joy, I get naked for a living and i do it with pleasure*

    Funny lot🤣🤣…a clear case of you can’t shame the shameless and this like so 2020🤣🤣

  3. Mandy
    December 25, 08:48 Reply

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What on earth is this foolishness? I wonder how he even came across the so called nudes without cuing in to the fact that Manuel Skye undresses for a living.
    If only all blackmailers were this stupid.

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