Twinks and Bottoms, Muscles and Tops

Twinks and Bottoms, Muscles and Tops

A video from the stables of comedian, Michael Henry, recently surfaced in my inbox, and its content is interesting. Michael is hanging out with a couple of friends, when one of them is asked when the last time was that he got fingers in his butt.

And he shocks them by saying, “I don’t really like fingers in my butt… I’m not a Bottom. Actually, I’m a total Top.”

This absolutely stuns the other two as they go on to list all the reasons why their friend must be lying.

“But you’re so skinny…”

“And young…”

“And little…”

“I’ve seen you cross your legs…”

“And wear wigs…”

“And paint your nails…”

To which the Total Top objects, “Yeah, and my asshole doesn’t want anything in it.”

This outrages his friends even more, especially when they remember that his boyfriend – his Bottom boyfriend – “has muscles…”

“And a deep voice…”

“And a jeep…”

“You’re a Twink…”

“And twinks are bottoms!”

LOL! Check out the hilarious episode below, and let us know what you think about the common gay stereotypes that define what we think of each other in the gaybourhood.

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  1. Delle
    September 20, 09:01 Reply

    Lol! The first time I saw this video, I didn’t know what to feel about it. The little irritation I usually feel when someone identifies as ‘Total Top’ (like why is that adjective there? Is there Partial Top?) was there and then there was the humor in the whole setup.

    I think stereotypes are not completely bull, but tend to erase exceptions and so should not be encouraged. Like, how can you say someone’s being skinny is a telling sign of his Bottomness?😂😂😂

    OAN, people that don’t want even a toothpick up in them should stay away from me 🚶🚶

  2. Astar
    September 22, 21:25 Reply

    O my gawd! This is absolutely hilarious.

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