According To WordPress, KD’s Most Popular Posts Of 2014 Were…

According To WordPress, KD’s Most Popular Posts Of 2014 Were…

kdTo revisit these posts and stories for a read-through or look-see, click on the links below:


Talk About ‘Coming Out’: David McIntosh ‘Unveiled’ (Read HERE)




Seven Things I Don’t Like About Being A Bottom (Read HERE)

Waitaminute! All these posts are slutty posts! :O The top-five, most popular posts on Kito Diaries are slutty posts?! Kai! Y’all need Jesus on this blog.

Previous 2014 in review
Next The Perfect Response Gay Magician Derren Brown Gave to shut down a Homophobic Troll

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Editor's Desk 40 Comments

“YES, MOM, I’M GAY.” The Truth That Was A Long Time Coming

“My son, are you a gay?” That was the question I both expected and didn’t see coming from my Mother. In the recent past, whenever people asked me the question:

Editor's Desk 32 Comments

From The Initiative For Equal Rights (TIERs)

If you haven’t already read this, here’s a note of caution that TIERs passed across in a Facebook post earlier today. Read below. * Hello Friends/ Family Over the weekend

Kito Directory 16 Comments

Kito Directory (3): A Rundown Of The Dangerous Faces So Far Exposed

As part of our efforts to make easier the confirmation of kitoers for KDians, here’s a third update of the compilation of the faces we have so far tagged as


  1. Deola
    December 30, 17:15 Reply

    Thirstiness Everywhere…

    • JArch
      December 30, 17:29 Reply

      Lol asin eh… the thirst is real

      Even sprite can’t “quench the thirst” for this one

      • A-non
        December 30, 17:45 Reply

        *raises hand*

        I know what can quench the thirst!

        Pinacolda mixed with Orijin…you can squeeze in some lime for effect.

    December 30, 18:32 Reply

    Watin u expect, Watin U expect….. BIg shout out to y’ll and happy new year ladies and gentlemen.

  3. Deola
    December 30, 18:32 Reply

    Ah…’My dick is bigger than yours’
    *sigh* such fun memories this year.

    • pinkpanthertb
      December 30, 18:38 Reply

      LOL! Deola, four words for you.




      Nest. 😀

    • Dennis Macauley
      December 30, 18:42 Reply

      “My dick is bigger than yours”

      Can I have a glass of orijin please?


      • xpressivejboy
        December 30, 18:57 Reply

        “My Dick is Bigger than yours”…my fave.

        *sips OrganoGold Hot Choco*

        PinkPanties…er…erm…Pinkie, when is the KD Parrie happening? Me can’t wait; coming with my imported lub and latex…no barebacks…but orgies can be allowed for all willing dicks and butts.

        Least I forget, please, Pinkie remember to come along with that your measuring tape…to save us the stress of whose is BIGGER or not.

  4. style
    December 30, 18:41 Reply

    Lol! You can’t blaim us na!

  5. FKA Chizzie
    December 30, 19:19 Reply

    My Dick is Bigger than Yours…. Wasn’t that what lord/king said when confronted with the fact that he, a married man and presumably well advanced in age, was indulging in bareback orgies regardless of the health consequences they pose to his wife’s vagina ( the poor woman probably has her fair share of yeast infections) and her overall health.

    He actually said that he his dick was bigger and the one doing the confrontation was jealous of his big dick. That statement still gets to me.

    i still don’t get how one man can be so stupid. I still do not.

    • Paul
      December 30, 19:30 Reply

      Chizzie evn God forgives.
      Try and let ds go with 2014 too.
      Imagine U were d one being taunted continuously like ds-no matter d thick skin it wuld eventualy get to u.
      So jst let ds slide bikonu.
      Tnx dear.

      • gad
        December 31, 09:42 Reply

        When we learn to confront evil and call spade a spade our societal problems will start easing off. I expect you to be more direct in condemning what Chizzie did

    • A-non
      December 30, 21:58 Reply

      @FKA Chizzie, is it me or are you already signalling your intentions of hounding Lord II/King in coming months as you have done Dennis in the most recent past?

      Better calm down…

    • gad
      December 31, 09:38 Reply

      FK, honestly you are disappointing me. This line of bitchy talk is common among gays (those who believe that being gay means being shamelessly-useless) but there are people we don’t expect to toe the same line. You know that Lord is married bcos he was courageous and honest enough to say so. The scenario of big dick that was referred to was a story told by one of us and I’m sure he wasn’t referring to king. What you did is bereft of courtesy. Its like confiding in a friend that you are gay and he uses to settle issues with you publicly.Its not cool,pls

  6. Samurai
    December 31, 05:29 Reply

    Pinky, we all need Jesus??!!
    Please remind me, what is it they say about pots and kettles?
    😀 😉

  7. Brian Collins
    December 31, 10:43 Reply

    ChiZzie had to be the one to expantiate. Wia is Mama of Dragons?
    Ps: king/lord II, I lost my phone o. Really wouldn’t mind some monetary assistance in purchasing a new phone or do I have to be James? #nokiatorchlightdoesn’tfitme

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