Kelly Rowland criticizes cancel culture, urges fans to “stop trying to be God”
Kelly Rowland has spoken out against cancel culture in an Instagram post, saying that she could have been cancelled “many-a-times.” The former Destiny’s Child singer posted a Notes app screenshot to the social media platform, asking her followers to “remember NOT to judge others.”
Rowland wrote, “In this ‘cancel culture’ we live in, I am SO grateful God NEVER canceled me, And I’m sure I could’ve many-a-times! Let us always TRY to remember NOT to judge others.”
“We HONESTLY don’t have the space nor authority too! Let us remember to lead With love & kindness, the world has enough negativity for you to pour more into it,” she said, hashtagging the note #STOPTRYINTOBEGOD.
She also asked users to share their own experiences in the comments, asking, “So what light are you bringing into the world?”
Rowland’s message follows a highly publicized letter published by Harper’s Bazaar criticizing cancel culture, which was signed by notable names including JK Rowling, Margaret Atwood, Salman Rushdie and Noam Chomsky.
Titled A Letter on Justice and Open Debate, it claimed that there is an “intolerant climate that has set in on all sides” and called for the preservation of “good-faith disagreement without dire professional consequences.” The letter ignited debate online as some questioned the existence of cancel culture in its wake.
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August 09, 12:25If they choose to stay stupid and hurtful to others, we should continue to siddon look because Jesus abi? ??
Black Dynasty
August 09, 12:59Unfortunately cancel culture is not limited to individuals who do/say this and therein lies the problem. Who draws the line?
August 09, 13:16People that have sense will draw the line. Not bitter frustrated angry people ??♂️
Black Dynasty
August 09, 13:12Fully agree with Kelly on this one.
Are people no longer allowed to make mistakes? Can we no longer have discussions on sensitive topics? When did it become a problem to agree to disagree but still be respectful? A my way or the high way camp as it now seems online = little or no learning.
Cancel culture is unfortunately mostly toxic and unnecessary. No one alive has always got things right, but today? Make a mistake online and they’d want to almost kill you… literally.
Check out this book “So you’ve been publicly shamed” by Jon Ronson. This was an eye opener to the lives of people who faced online backlash. For some it seemed deserved because they were intentionally hateful or did cruel things, for others it was a tweet out of genuine ignoranc or a poorly made joke or rants that were taken out of context.
The common thread however with all of them was a deep dive into depression, anxiety, fear, some unable to leave the house, and some attempted suicide.
Sometimes we think it’s just words but we forget those words are just one of the thousands of hateful remarks they will get that day.
I get it when it’s someone who kitoes, rapes, paedophilia, murder, abuse, acts or racial aggression etc etc but if you sometimes stop to read the hate people not in the above category get, you might question where humanity went to. For the public, it’s just one more tweet. For the individual cancelled, it’s years of impact afterwards.
Personally, I make it a point not to pile on and after reading that book… i would continue to tow that path. Certainly not perfect and I’m sure I’ve slipped up in the past.
August 09, 16:15Cancel culture is literally not real,momentary backlash isn’t an indication of a career ended. There are literally only three celebs whom i can recall having their careers derailed and it was due to sexual violence allegations
Black Dynasty
August 09, 19:48I’d imagine you’ve followed the lives of every celebrity and ordinary person after the backlash has died down and they’ve lost their jobs etc?
Please don’t make ignorant statements without fact checking. I literally wrote out the title of a book which covers this in great details with interviews of people… smh no point repeating myself.