His name is Prince Promise (Young Icon) on Facebook.

His number is 08104747593, detectable on Truecaller.

He resides in Obigbo, Rivers State, and operates with a gang who is very vicious in their attack of their victims.

He plays the long game, can chat with you for a very long time, patient enough to not hurry you into a meet. And one thing he does is to tell you he doesn’t belong to any social media, which is clearly a lie. (It was actually through Truecaller that his Facebook identity was able to be unearthed.)

His ID on Truecaller

However this makes a point we have been repeating regarding kito perpetrators. Most of them will tell you they do not have social media, either because they do not want you to gain access to their online social life or because they do not have a social media profile to serve the persona they are using to catfish you, or they do and it’s a catfish but there’s the risk of you finding out.

Either way, I know that there are genuine gay guys who do not feel comfortable giving out their social media information to those they intend to randomly hook up with. But ALWAYS ERR ON THE SIDE OF CAUTION – which is that, if he’s not giving you more than a WhatsApp number to chat on, then you shouldn’t be considering going to see him!

Here are more pictures of Prince Promise:

Next Gay Porn Stars Share Their Coming Out Stories On A NakedSword Mini-Documentary

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  1. Ken
    June 27, 07:53 Reply

    See the ugly looking cretin sef..mtscheeew

  2. Delle
    June 27, 08:38 Reply

    Hunger wants to finish this one

  3. Audrey
    June 27, 08:41 Reply

    Me and this one alone in a place and he tries to Kito me?
    Na em death sentence go be that one

  4. Danté
    July 30, 12:58 Reply

    OMG!!! The irony?… I can’t believe I almost went to see this hobbit.

    We got texting on Grindr but I never got to seeing him cause he stayed very far from me and our time schedules were just too different… Anyway I got bored of the imp and turned down all advances of going to see him.

    He’s still in my contact list though… I wonder if I should taunt him?

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