Robert Pattinson named “the Most Handsome Man in the World”

Robert Pattinson named “the Most Handsome Man in the World”

First it was Bella Hadid, and now Robert Pattinson is the one.

Last year, the British newspaper Daily Mail named Hadid “the Most Beautiful Woman in the World”, and the paper is now declaring that Pattinson is “the Most Handsome Man in the World.”

The Daily Mail makes this determination via cosmetic surgeon Dr. Julian De Silva, who bases it on the “science” of the Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi.

The ratio is a measure of physical perfection reportedly adapted from the “golden ratio” artists and architects used during the European Renaissance to map out their masterpieces.

In 2009, a University of Nebraska professor named Kendra Schmid appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show to discuss how scientists adopted the mathematical formula to help explain why some people are considered beautiful and others less so.

To get the ratio, measurements of the face are taken and calculated. Schmid said that on a perfect face the length of an ear is equal to the length the nose, and the width of an eye is equal to the distance between the eyes.

Pattinson was found to be 92.15% accurate to the Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi.

The 33-year-old’s eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips, chin, jaw and facial shape were measured against other male celebs and his came closest to the ratio of perfection.

Pattinson’s ratio was followed by Henry Cavill (91.64%), Bradley Cooper (91.08%), Brad Pitt (90.51%) and George Clooney (89.91%).

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  1. Black Dynasty
    February 06, 06:45 Reply

    How in the world did Robert Pattinson pass Henry Cavill my husband who doesn’t yet know that we’re married??????????

    A sham! ?

  2. Mitch
    February 06, 07:42 Reply

    Robert onye?
    That bloodless yte creature?
    Ndi ocha ohhhh!
    Unu enwero shem!
    Shem unto you pipul!

  3. Mandy
    February 06, 11:23 Reply

    Again with this reinforcement that white is the standard of beauty. First five most handsome men are white?
    No Will Smith? No Morris Chestnut? No Michael Ealy? Lance Gross? Boris Kodjoe? Jesse Williams?

    I could go on and on. Melanin brothers who look more gorgeous than this pasty-skinned Cedric Diggory. ??

  4. Shiera Seastar Targaryen
    February 06, 15:47 Reply

    The Illuminati should stop trying to force feed Robert Pattinson’s non-existent handsomeness down our collective throats..

    First in Harry Potter Cedric Diggory was described as the most handsome man you could find anywhere in the world and who did they find to play the role ? Rob.

    Same with Twilight ,at least the fans of the book had the good sense to sign petitions to stop that atrocity but in the end his agents were stronger..

    I wouldn’t say talent is the reason he was considered even though I know he his talented but the twilight roles just required more skills at staring and stalking to nail the character…

    Now this!!!! Why does Hollywood have such a boner for him!!!

    Same with his twilight co-star Kristen Stewart??

    Like how will anyone in their right senses just place that one has Snow White in a role besides Charlize Theron’s Evil Queen..
    Like I’m supposed to believe that Charlize is threatened by Kristen’s ❓beauty❓
    A big Lol..

    Comedy of the absurd..

    Okaay now Thanks for coming to my TEDTALK..


    • Delle
      February 07, 07:49 Reply

      Why don’t they say it’s the Most Handsome White Celebrity in the world????

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