Tag "World Peace"

Opinion Pieces 2 Comments

Opinion: The Privilege of Positivity

Yesterday, a friend on social media challenged me to “only post positive messages for one whole day.” It felt like part social media campaign and part gentle personal scolding: you’re

The Happenings 6 Comments

President Obama speaks out against violence targeted at gays and others in UN speech

In his last speech to the United Nations as the president of the United States, President Barack Obama spoke out against violence aimed at gays and others around the world.

Editor's Desk 55 Comments

WHAT WE WANT FOR CHRISTMAS: 16 Wishes KDians Would Like Fulfilled This Christmas

Santa Claus, you have a job to do. So, in the past couple of days, I polled several Kitodiariesians with the question: What’s that crazy or fun or silly or