Christians Are Outraged Following Taylor Swift’s Portrayal Of Anti-LGBT Protesters As Ignorant Hicks

Christians Are Outraged Following Taylor Swift’s Portrayal Of Anti-LGBT Protesters As Ignorant Hicks

Christians are angry after Taylor Swift mocks anti-LGBT activists for being ignorant hicks in her new and quite controversial music video for her latest single, You Need To Calm Down.

In the music video, Swift advocates for LGBT people, while mocking the ignorance and hatred of the anti-LGBT movement. The video is a light and joyous romp with a not-so-subtle message to anti-gay bigots: “You Need To Calm Down.”

However, some Christian don’t want to calm down, because they are angry with Swift for her honest and devastating portrait of anti-gay bigotry. For example, Charisma News is quite angry that Swift “openly mocks Christians who protest homosexuality”:

‘Taylor Swift’s latest music video is a lot to take in, from the bright colors to scantily dressed celebrities to the flaunting of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender icons. The video, while claiming to be inclusive, openly mocks Christians who protest homosexuality.

‘Christians in the video are presented as country hicks with bad style and rotting teeth. They also misspell “homosexuality” on their protest signs.’

An indignant Life Site News complains:

‘The video includes caricatures of anti-LGBT protesters as screaming rednecks with cartoonish hair and tattered clothes, bearing signs such as “homosexuality is sin” and a misspelled “get a brain, morans.”’

And Church Pop reports:

‘Please pray for Taylor Swift!

‘Taylor Swift recently dropped her latest music video, which promotes the homosexual agenda and mocks Christians.

‘The LGBTQ anthem “You Need to Calm Down,” glorifies the homosexual and transgender agenda with rainbow symbols, a gay wedding, drag queens, and a few cameos from some of the biggest celebrities in Hollywood.

‘The lyrics lecture those unsupportive of the homosexual lifestyle, demanding they “calm down.” The video’s message specifically targets Christians, portraying them as unclean and unintelligent.’

In the video, anti-gay protesters can be seen holding signs that say, “Adam + Eve NOT Adam + Steve,” “Homosekualty is SIN,” and “Get a Brain Morans.” As for the lyrics, at one point, Swift sings: “You are somebody that we don’t know, but you are coming at my friends like a missile. Why are you mad? When you could be GLAAD?”

The lyrics also note that the anti-gay bigots “would rather be in the dark ages,” and asks them to “control your urges to scream about all the people you hate, ’cause shade never made anybody less gay.”

In a statement, Swift discussed her latest music video:

“I’ve observed a lot of different people in our society who just put so much energy and effort into negativity, and it just made me feel like, ‘You need to just calm down. Like, you’re stressing yourself out. This seems like it’s more about you than what you’re going off about. Like, just calm down.’”

Previous Bruno, The Ghost Of Kito Diaries

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  1. Mandy
    June 22, 07:56 Reply

    It really doesn’t feel good when you are portrayed as horrible people, does it, oh Christian? So you people know how it feels. Mschewwwww.

    • Kevin
      June 29, 20:18 Reply

      It is typical of liberals to pat themselves on the back for being tolerant. However, as Taylor Swift and her supporters prove, liberals are tolerant only of other liberals, and are hateful towards those who disagree with them, particularly conservatives, who will not stand for ignorant liberals who lecture them hypocritically about intolerance. Liberals are themselves intolerant and are too dumb to realize it. Liberals understand conservatives less than conservatives understand liberals. These comments are proof that is the case.

  2. Mitch
    June 22, 08:05 Reply

    Carry your entitled, self-righteous indignation and shove it up your very Christian butts.
    We do not care!

    • Kevin
      June 29, 20:30 Reply

      Another “tolerant” comment from the gay-loving, Christian-hating left. Now we know what true bigotry is, and where the true source of this nation’s polarization is coming from. Liberals are as clueless as ever.

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