Comedian Michael Henry shows how differently gays and lesbians spend their isolation

Comedian Michael Henry shows how differently gays and lesbians spend their isolation

Youtuber Michael Henry is letting us know that gays and lesbians observe the quarantine differently. In the hilarious skit, he is seen taking a walk with his boyfriend, Steve, when they bump into a friend Gina, who is also out with her girlfriend, Shia.

And the difference quickly starts becoming clear.

While Michael and Steve appear to be observing the 6-feet-apart rule, Gina and Shia are in each other’s arms, frequently exchanging kisses.

While Michael and Steve can’t seem to agree on which TV shows to watch, Gina and Shia are connecting to each other one on one and baking their own bread.

And while Michael and Steve are full of bickering over the sex they are not getting enough of – with Michael wailing, “We’ve been together for five years, living together for three, and I only get one handjob a week”, because not leaving the house means “you really put a relationship to the test when you can only have sex with each other” – Gina and Shia are having sex three times a day.

Check out the hilarious episode below. And let us know if you’re the Michael-Steve or the Gina-Shia.

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  1. Colossus
    May 09, 10:53 Reply

    Is it wrong that I want to shoot the lesbians?

  2. Dunder
    May 11, 20:34 Reply

    “Congrats on your engagement”

    “Oh, she does that everyday”

    -the world isn’t fair.

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