World Health Organization names anti-gay Zimbabwe leader Robert Mugabe as ‘goodwill ambassador’

World Health Organization names anti-gay Zimbabwe leader Robert Mugabe as ‘goodwill ambassador’

The World Health Organization’s director general just appointed Zimbabwe’s fiercely anti-gay leader Robert Mugabe as a Goodwill Ambassador.

In a move that shocked the United Nations, Tedros Adhanom made the announcement on Wednesday (18 October).

Adhanom said in a speech: ‘Today I am honoured to announce that President Mugabe has agreed to serve as a goodwill ambassador on NCDs [non-communicable diseases] for Africa to influence his peers in his region to prioritize NCDs.’

The WHO clarified in a tweet the next day: ‘Zimbabwe established a levy fund for NCDs, an innovative domestic resource mobilization approach that other countries can learn from.’

But many were left dumbfounded at the announcement, citing various human rights violations from the leader in the past.

Robert Mugabe has been the President of Zimbabwe since 1987 and has presided over a regime many call corrupt. During this time, he has said some awful things about LGBTI people. In 2013, he promised hell for gay and lesbians if he was re-elected. In the same speech, he said gay people should also ‘rot in jail.’

He also previously threatened to cut gay people’s heads off, as well as saying that ‘filthy gays destroy nations.’

Following WHO’s announcement, WHO Maternal’s Anthony Costello tweeted: ‘Senior WHO staff dumbfounded. Greatly concerned about the effects this decision will have on our credibility and funding,’ he warned.

Similarly, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof tweeted: ‘You appointed Robert Mugabe a WHO goodwill ambassador? What aged dictator is next on the list?’

Human rights activist Hillel Neuer tweeted: ‘UN sick joke of the week: WHO names tyrant Mugabe as global health ambassador. He destroyed Zimbabwe’s health, gets his treatment abroad.’

In 2015, Mugabe actually gave a bizarre speech to the UN, stating: ‘We are not gays.’ Watch the video:

Previous Photo: Days of the Week

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  1. Foxydevil
    October 22, 07:58 Reply

    So no one can rise and oppose this dictator?
    All the youths in Zimbabwe are powerless to remove him from power or what?
    This is very shameful.
    I heard he is about to replace himself with his son. Their tribulation has no end in sight.

  2. trystham
    October 22, 08:39 Reply

    Well, maybe they wanted to shame him into being responsible for once in his near-death lifetime. Then I wud say UN has a wicked sense of humor.

  3. Mandy
    October 22, 09:21 Reply

    I suspect a strong arming behind the scenes. Someone in WHO had to have been bulldozed into making this happen. That’s the only reason this stupidity makes sense.

  4. Mandy
    October 22, 09:22 Reply

    Meanwhile where’s Delle? Has he seen this yet? ? Somebody keep him away from this post.

    • Delle
      October 22, 12:15 Reply

      This is just wrong on all levels! Mugabe doesn’t even know the first thing about being GOOD for fuckssakes! And now he is an ambassador?

      Death will not see this societal ill of a man and wipe him off the face of the earth. Rubbish.

  5. Francis
    October 22, 09:28 Reply

    I was really hoping this was a hoax when I saw it. I just don’t understand what’s going on. This one don pass global warming ??

  6. Ken George
    October 22, 10:41 Reply

    Not surprising. Back home, even those that were slammed with 14yrs imprisonment still went ahead to support the most corrupt regime in the history of nigeria!

  7. Mitch
    October 22, 11:43 Reply

    Delle, come oh.
    Your DILF is now a UN goodwill ambassador.


  8. Delle
    October 22, 12:13 Reply

    What!? I don’t understand. “Goodwill” and “Mugabe” in not just a sentence but being meshed!?

    My day is ruined. That idiot that’s supposed to be measuring his casket is still being recognized and falsely too!?

    Some things shouldn’t be news. I’m so pissed right now.

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